Chapter 6

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Yoongi POV

Rushing down the streets on my skateboard, my mind is nearly a blurry mess. I want nothing more than to see Jin hyung right now, just needing to unload on someone in a safe environment right now. He and Tae knows me better than anyone else, and they'll understand just how much this is for me.

I mean, for fucks sake. The bookshop that I've been in love with, that I've called home for a few years now. It's fucking actually mine. And she's just... giving it to me. Letting me essentially do what I want with it.

She wouldn't even let me argue it with her. I tried to tell her it was hers, that she needed to keep it. That I couldn't just take it from her like that. She wouldn't have any of it though. Told me it was decided and that all of the paperwork was already there inside the desk. Told me to fucking take the weekend off as I had big decisions for what I wanted to do to renovate the place to get it up and going again.

As I turn down the last street, the one that they live on, I can feel my body still as shaky as it had been when I left the bookshop. I don't have a fucking clue on how the hell I haven't fucking wrecked yet, but it's the least of my concerns right now. Maybe it would've knocked some fucking sense into me if I actually wrecked for once tonight.

No such luck happens though, as I jump off my skateboard and kick it up, catching it with ease as I jog up the short couple steps to Jin's apartment. I don't even bother knocking as I burst inside, still shaky and trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.

"Hyung?" I call out with heavy breaths as I drop my board on the floor next to the door.


Multiple voices are calling out along with chairs scraping against hardwood flooring as I make my way towards their dining room. However, I freeze when I spot the snotty rich kid from the other day sat in one of their chairs. My weak gaze turns cold the second I see him, forcing myself to avert my gaze to Jin instead. They're all standing except for the rich bitch and who I'm assuming is his friend, worried gazes coming from the other three.

"Yoongi, what happened? Aren't you supposed to be at the bookstore, baby?" Jin asks softly as he steps away from his chair and making his way towards me. It takes everything in me to will myself not to cry in front of the asshole kid from the other day as I look to Jin, breaths still heavy as they leave my lips.

"Oh, hell. Joon, baby, stay. It's okay. I've got him." Jin says softly to his boyfriend before making his way over to me, wrapping an arm around my waist as he pulls me away from the table.

"Hyung, what happened? Do you want me to-"

"Tae, finish your dinner. You've got Jimin over. Just focus on having a good evening with him, okay? I've got Yoongi." Jin cuts the younger off before finishing leading me out of the dining room. I grow even shakier once we're out of everyone's sight, and it takes all of my strength to let Jin lead me into his bedroom and close the door before allowing myself to break down.

I crumble to the floor, sobbing. Though, he quickly wraps his arms around me, picking me up and bringing me over to his bed.

"Yoongi-ssi, calm down, baby. What happened? Hmm? You gotta talk to me, baby." Jin murmurs softly, kissing the top of my head as he holds me. I hiccup quietly as I choke back sobs, hating myself for being so fucking emotional and weak.

"I don't get it. Hyung, I don't fucking get it and I don't know whether to be happy or sad." I whimper quietly, embarrassed of myself as I bury my face into his chest, fisting his shirt tightly.

"Shh. Yoongi, you gotta calm down, baby. I can't help you if I don't know what happened." Jin coos softly, rubbing my back comfortingly. I whimper again, trying to take deep breaths so that I can actually fucking speak like a normal human being.

"Don't even start that shit, Yoongi. I know exactly what you're doing and I don't want you to start belittling yourself for this. It's okay to be emotional. It's okay to cry. I need to know what happened though, baby." Jin scolds gently.

I take a few deep breaths at this, closing my eyes lightly as I focus on the feeling of just simply having someone here with me. Focusing on the feeling of being real.

"She's giving the shop to me. She-she's just giving it to me. She wants me to make any and all changes to it that I want. Renovate it how I want so that the place can be a little more lively. Said I could bring the cats from the shelter. That I could add a piano. Hyung, I don't know what to do." I cry, feeling unbelievably conflicted at all of this.

"Oh, baby. Listen, Joon and I can help, okay? Anything you need. Even Tae. You know he would drop everything for you in a heartbeat. Okay? It's gonna be okay. This is a good thing, baby. She trusts you. She knows how much it means to you and knows how capable you are of owning and running it, baby. It's not a bad thing. I promise. You don't need to be scared, okay? I'm certain she would never hurt you like that. You've got this, Yoongi."

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