Chapter 20

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Yoongi POV

"Hyung, you're certain that this is okay? I really don't want to intrude and I don't even deserve your help and kindness like this." Jungkook worries as he paces by my kitchen table that I'm sat at.

It's Saturday evening now, and I helped Jungkook to move into my place earlier today. He's stopped by the bookstore every single day this week, constantly helping me with continuing the building and restoration process of the bookstore. I actually invited him to come along with me yesterday, having needed to pick up all of the cats that were going to get put down today if they weren't adopted, taking them to their new home in the bookstore until we can find people to adopt them there.

I've already spoken with the people at the animal shelter about not having the time to actually volunteer there anymore, but they said that I was doing more than enough by taking the cats they couldn't get adopted before needing to be put down. Luckily, Jungkook seemed fairly excited over finding out that he'd have cats accompanying him whenever he'd be working with me at the bookstore, so there won't be any issues over that either.

"Jungkook, I wouldn't have helped you move in today or even offered it if I weren't perfectly okay with you staying here with me." I respond calmly, typing away on my laptop while occasionally petting my cat that's been laid in my lap since I sat down.

"I won't even be able to pay you back though. I mean like, sure I can split the rent with you right now and I've got my tuition covered for this semester, but I'm certain my parents will find out one way or another of what's happened and cut all ties with me. Come the end of the semester there's no way I'll be able to split rent or anything." Jungkook mumbles in concern, clearly feeling bad about all of this.

I sigh softly at this, running a hand through my hair before confirming what I've just gotten done on the website page in front of me. I've not told anyone that I'll be dropping out of classes today. I know I'll at least have to tell Hoseok since I have half my classes with him, but there's no way I'm letting Jungkook find out. Not right now at least.

"Jungkook, it's honestly fine. I told you, I'm willing to pay for everything while you begin saving up. College is expensive and you're essentially going to be starting over come next semester anyways. I told you, I'm not letting your parents decide your life for you. You want to change, and I'm not going to risk them ruining that for you." I remind him gently before pulling my school email up and drafting an email to my advisor to let him know as well that I'll be dropping.

If I'm being completely honest, I'm terrified. I only had a year and a half left with this degree, but I'm not following through to get it just so that I can try to pay for Jungkook to go through college essentially starting over. Not only that, but I'll have an extra mouth to keep fed here and I've taken a huge risk with all of this and the bookstore. I've put so much of my money towards that place, and now that it's mine, I'm going to have to pay the expenses of what it costs to keep the place and keep it up and running, along with paying Jungkook for his work. All based off the hopes that what I'm doing with the place will turn it all around.

Just as I'm sending the email and shutting my laptop down for the night, I feel Jungkook walk around behind me before leaning down and wrapping his arms around me in a gentle hug.

"Thank you so much, Yoongi hyung. I'm still so sorry for how I treated you before. I really don't deserve your kindness and help with all of this, but I really truly am grateful. You have no idea how much this means to me." Jungkook whispers quietly as he hugs me. I smile softly at this, patting his joined hands gently.

"Don't worry about it, Jungkookie. Besides, it's the least I can do for you after all the help you've been this last week at the bookstore. I wouldn't have been ready to bring the cats in if it weren't for all your help and I'd have lost the opportunity to save them." I murmur softly before he pulls away.

I give him a small smile as I look up at him, finding him smiling all the same back down at me.

"Go take a warm bath to calm down and relax, okay? I'll order takeout soon and get you when I'm back with it."

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