Chapter 31

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Jungkook POV

Making my way towards campus the next morning, I'm somewhat overwhelmed with nerves. I've not taken the same route to campus since the day after going to Yoongi's bookshop for the first time. I've not seen the two boys who are supposed to be my friends for over two weeks now, haven't even heard from them.

Today's the first day I'm taking the same path I did when walking with my friends, even though it's a mild inconvenience now that I'm living with Yoongi. It'll be the first time in over two weeks of finally seeing my friends again, and I'm not entirely sure how to feel about it. I had talked it over with Yoongi, had told him I was ready for them to know about us and that I'd moved in with him. It was cute, he'd been a blushing mess the whole time we talked about it over breakfast this morning, and he'd said that he was fine with it. Said that I could tell them what I wanted to at my own pace.

When I soon reach the familiar café, I'm surprised to find Jin seeming to have just arrived as well as Jimin just walking out of the café he works at. Though, Jimin's not alone, Tae right in tow with the older boy. Jimin seems to spot me as they exit the café though, eyes widening and not letting any of the three of them go anywhere just yet since I've yet to reach them.

"Jungkook?" Jimin whispers softly, lips already pouting. I purse my lips, feeling somewhat at war with myself as I nod. Before I can really decide anything though, I'm tackled into a giant hug from the shorter, causing me to stumble backwards a bit from surprise and the force.

"Don't you ever fucking disappear on us again. You had me so goddamn worried about you. Where the hell have you been? You never even answered at your own apartment?" Jimin immediately starts rambling as he pulls away from me, a small glare in his eyes.

"Let's get heading to campus. We all have classes that we don't need to be late for. I can explain on the way there." I mumble quietly, motioning for us to head towards school. Jin and Tae give me weary looks before Tae's wrapping an arm around Jimin's waist and the four of us are heading towards campus.

"You have some explaining to do." Jin says blandly, giving my a look as we all begin walking. I sigh, running a hand through my hair somewhat nervously. I don't really know how they're gonna take what I have to say to them, and it makes me all the more nervous to tell them.

"I've still been attending my classes, if you've thought I've been skipping. I just haven't been walking with you guys for a while. The way you treated me after everything that happened that weekend, it really hurt a lot and I had really been struggling at that time. I've been spending my afternoons and evenings with Yoongi hyung at the bookstore though, helping him get everything built and organized, and just helping out overall. As for not answering at my apartment, that's because I've not been staying there. I've been staying with Yoongi for the last couple of weeks now, and that's actually where I'm planning to stay until I graduate." I explain softly, fiddling with my fingers as we all walk.

"What the fuck are you staying with Yoongi for, Jungkook? What the hell are you doing with him?" Jin questions, sounding overly skeptical. I frown at this, glaring at the elder.

"Why is it such a problem to you with what's going on between me and Yoongi, Jin hyung? He's been treating me better than the way you and Jimin hyung treated me that week after everything that happened at your house." I retaliate frustratedly. He gives me a pointed glare though, fueling my frustration and anger.

"Stay the fuck away from Yoongi, Jungkook. He deserves a million times better than someone like you and he had been right when he said I should've introduced the both of you to him back when I first met you both so that he could've told me to stay away from you." Jin growls angrily. My mouth drops as I freeze in my tracks, not having expected anything like this.

"Hyung, I think that's a little over the top and dramatic, don't you-" Jimin starts.

"Fuck you, Jin! I'm not going to stay away from my boyfriend, alright? I don't give a shit what the hell you think! I love him and I'm not going to let you force me away from him." I shoot back before storming off.

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