Chapter 8

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Yoongi POV

"Better now, baby?" Jin murmurs softly. It's been probably at least a half hour since I got half dragged in here. I've finally calmed down enough that I'm not crying anymore, just exhausted.

I simply nod against his chest before there's a light knock at the door. Both our heads turn a bit at the sound, watching as it cracks open to reveal Joon. He gives us a soft smile, slipping inside the room.

"How's Tae and the other two?" Jin asks lightly from where he's laying, my head still resting on his chest.

"Jimin seems like a really nice kid. He seems a little unsure of himself from what I could tell, but he appears to be pretty accepting and understanding. Makes Taehyung pretty happy from what I could read. I'm pretty sure the same could be said that Tae makes him happy though. I thought the poor boy was going to cry after you two walked off." Joon answers lightly as he moves to sit down on the side of the bed that Jin's body isn't already occupying. He reaches out and rubs my back gently, giving me a soft smile.

"Why did he seem like he would cry?" Jin asks in confusion, still playing with my hair lightly.

"Baby, it's pretty clear when either of you care quite a bit about someone. Yoongi's like a brother for the both of you, and vice versa. I think Jimin was a little worried that Tae had more interest in Yoongi than just seeing him as family." Namjoon explains with a light chuckle. I smile just a little at this, pulling myself up to sit as I rub my hands over my face.

"How're you feeling, hyung?" Joon questions, turning his focus to me now as he gives me a small smile.

"Better. I dunno, I just panicked. She gave the shop to me tonight. I didn't really know what to do with it. I think it was just a lot after having gotten the tattoos just before." I mumble quietly as I rake a hand through my hair.

"Come on. There's plenty of leftovers. Let's go get you something to eat." Namjoon offers gently. I frown at this but nod, knowing I have no chance of winning this battle with the two of them.

With that, the three of us climb off the bed and Namjoon leads us out of the bedroom. In an instant, I spot the rich bitch sitting off to the side in one of the chair of the living room, simply watching as the other bare kid and Tae are cuddled on the couch and talking softly. I frown at the sight, stopping as I glance over at my friends. I can already see the look in their eyes, Jin hyung beginning to shake his head. I roll my eyes at them, walking over to the back of the couch and setting my hands down on either side of Tae.

Both boys jump a bit, the unknown boy moving away a bit as he looks up at me, Tae simply growing a smile.

"Hi, hyung. Feeling better?" Tae asks with a smile, reaching up and ruffling my hair. I roll my eyes at this, swatting his hand away.

"I'm fine, Taehyung. Who's the kid?" I question, cocking an eyebrow as I glance over to the other kid on the couch. I watch his cheeks flush a warm shade of red, but I can see it in his eyes that he's still a little nervous.

"He's not a kid, hyung. He's older than me, even if it's only by a month. This is Jiminie." Tae responds, rolling his eyes at me this time. It doesn't answer all of the questions that I know he knows I'm looking for, and he soon sighs whilst shaking his head at me.

"You're only making this harder because this is the opposite of the situation Jin hyung was in. I met him at the little coffeeshop he works at a couple blocks off campus. It's in the opposite direction of the bookstore. And before you even ask what I know you're waiting for, I don't know yet. I know where I'd like it to go, but I don't want to rush him." Tae finishes, smiling over at the blonde fondly.

"I'm not making it harder, I'm just looking out for you and protecting you." I murmur softly as I ruffle his hair. Tae just smiles up at me, and I return a small one as I stand upright once more.

"Jimin-ssi, I'm surprised someone like you would be here for Taehyung. He doesn't scare you at all?" I question, turning my attention to him instead. I can see the nervousness growing in his eyes as he looks up at me, slowly shaking his head.

"No, hyung. I could tell just based off our first interactions that he's a really good person. I-I learned better than to just judge off of appearances." Jimin answers quietly, a small shy smile tugging at his lips as he glances over at the younger.

"Do one damned thing to hurt him in any possible way and I'll fucking break you." I tell him before walking away to the kitchen, past Jin knowing Joon is already making up a plate of food for me.

"It's okay, Jiminie. It's just his way of saying he approves, I promise." I overhear Tae saying, a tiny smile forming on my lips at this.

"You really do like scaring people off, don't you?" Namjoon asks softly as he hands me the plate. I simply shrug, and he gives me a small smile.

"Yoongi, you don't have to push everyone away before they have the chance to even want to get to know you. You and I both know you don't want to be left alone, but you make that hard when you refuse to hold any sort of welcoming demeanor. You have to quit hurting yourself this way."

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