Chapter 36

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Yoongi POV

The rest of the week flies on by, ending up trying to keep up with the bookstore and the tattoo shop and trying to make some music on the side still. It's hard, especially while trying to hide the fact that I dropped from classes from my friends and boyfriend, but I know that it's worth it.

There's no stress from the exams or homework, there's no big stress of deadlines or people being disappointed in the results of all the work I put into my music. Instead, I just get to relax and enjoy the work I've been doing and the people that I have around me.

It's Friday morning, Jungkook not having classes today allowing us to just stay in bed for a few extra hours and just cuddle.

Though, our peace doesn't last for long, Jungkook's phone soon ringing. He whines at the sound, myself pouting as I look up at the younger from where my heads been resting on his chest. He doesn't remove the hand from my back though, using the hand that had been playing with my hair to grab his phone and answer it without bothering to look at the caller ID.

However, I'm surprised by the volume from the other end, being just loud enough in this quiet apartment that I can hear the entire conversation.

"Jeon Jungkook, why are you not answering your door for your father and I?"

My eyes widen in surprise at the sound, watching Jungkook's grow mildly panicked.

"W-What are you doing at the apartment, Mother?" Jungkook answers shakily, hand moving from my back to play with my hair. I bite my lip in worry for him, drawing little patterns on the corner of his stomach.

"I texted you last night that we would be stopping by to check in on you today. Your father's found your spare key. Why are you not in your apartment? It's your day off, you should be studying." The woman responds coolly.

The younger looks down to me in panic, and I simply lean up to peck his lips gently, hoping to provide him reassurance. There's a question in his eyes when I pull away though, and I give him a small smile and a nod.

"I-I don't stay there anymore, Mother." Jungkookie answers nervously.

"Then where the hell are you? You better not be on some bullshit." She counters.

With a last reassuring nod, he tells her the address of my apartment and the call ends. I can see the worry in his eyes as he returns both hands to my body, and I can't help but lean up and kiss him softly in hopes of helping to calm the younger down. I hate to see him so panicked and worried, and he entirely doesn't deserve it.

All too soon, there's a knock on my front door and a small whimper emits from the taller boy.

Reluctantly, we both climb out of bed, making our way towards my door. I stand to his side, still tiredly curled into it as I let him open the door for his own parents who surprisingly brush straight past the both of us.

"What kind of shit hole place is this, Jeon Jungkook? What the hell are you doing here?" His mother scoffs as she looks around my place.

My cat sneaks out of the bedroom at new voices, but quickly makes its way over to me so that I can pick him up.

"Excuse you, my place is not a shit hole. It's kept clean and it's not rundown." I counter, trying hard not to scoff myself.

It's only now that the two elders eyes land on me, on my position and proximity to their son whose arm is still wrapped around my waist.

"Jungkook, what the hell are you doing touching a piece of scum like him? Clearly this is its apartment, somewhere you have no business in being." The man spits in disgust.

I swallow hard at the insults, feeling terribly reminded of high school and middle school as I hold my cat closer to my chest. I try to keep my breathing calm as I glance over to Jungkook, trying to have faith that the younger cares enough for me to stand up to his parents.

"Please don't talk about him like that. He's a lot better than what you're making him out to be." Jungkook says softly, gaze locked on his parents.

My hope begins to crumble at this though.

"Come on, Jungkook. We're leaving this dump. We're above his kind and I will not stand for my son to be living with such trash." His mother huffs, walking past us once more with his father in tow.

"How dare you speak to my boyfriend like that? As if you own him?" I growl in frustration, trying to make my pain for anger as I glare at his parents. However, the shocked gasp that leaves even Jungkook's lips feels like a bullet to my heart.

"Hyung, what are you doing?" Jungkook questions softly in seeming panic, stepping away from my side. My eyes widen at his actions, beginning to grow scared.

"Oh no. Oh hell no. My son does not date boys, nor does he have any interest for a dirtbag like you. Don't ever speak about my son like that ever again, you piece of shit." His mother glowers.

"Come on, Jungkook. I don't want to see you near this imbecile ever again. We don't need him tainting your image or ours. This is why we didn't want to allow you to go to such a dusty public university." His father scoffs, grabbing Jungkook's hand and pulling him away from me even further.

"Jungkookie..." I breathe out, hoping and wishing for him to fight them back. To stand by my side and fight against them.

"I'm sorry, Yoongi."

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