Chapter 1

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Jungkook POV

Meeting Jimin and Jin hyung outside of the café that Jimin works at, I smile at the two as we begin our walk to campus.

"How was work, Jiminie?" Jin asks as we go on our way, looking at the shorter boy.

"The usual. Though, I heard from Jeongin that they're putting in a new skate park somewhere between the café and campus. On the other side of the street though, of course." Jimin answers, glancing at the two of us. Jin smiles at this, nodding.

"I heard that as well. It's nice that they're putting one in closer to campus, rather than only having the one that's all the way on the other side of town." Jin responds with a small smile. I frown at this though.

"Isn't the skate park where all those druggies and shit people go to hang out though? That's like asking for the crime rate around the area to go up." I comment uncertainly, not particularly liking the idea of having such a place get put in. Jimin frowns a bit as well, nodding in agreement as his uncertainty begins to show.

"Yeah, I don't know just how big a fan I am of the idea. Kinda makes me nervous for the times that I'll end up having close the café or those shifts when I'm opening." Jimin agrees with a small nod. Jin frowns at the both of us a bit though, not seeming to be quite on the same page.

"You don't even know anyone who hangs out at skate parks though. How would you know if they're terrible people or not?" Jin points out gently, looking between the two of us.

"Have you seen those types of people, hyung? They're all covered in ugly tattoos, smoke and do drugs, and they've always got a shitty attitude about everything. They're just cold assholes who will most likely never contribute to the well being of the society." I counter with an eye roll.

Jin just hums softly at this, seemingly deciding not to respond. Jimin nods though as he glances over at me, seeming to agree entirely. The three of us fall silent after that though, no one deciding to speak up and create a new topic of conversation for the group of us.

When we finally reach campus, the three of us end up having to go separate ways. We all bid our goodbyes to each other, knowing we'll be meeting again for lunch in just a few hours when we all have a break together. Jimin heads off to the performing arts building while Jin goes to the music building, myself heading for the business building.

"Asshole, give my board back!"

My eyes widen with a small frown as someone speeds past me on a skateboard, making my face twist up in disgust. My pace slows as I watch him laugh at whoever he's taken it from, disgust most likely written all over my face at the sight of the person. Though, what I wasn't expecting was for someone to ram right into me, toppling me backwards while he falls as well.

Quickly dragging myself into a sitting position, I glare at the guy who's slowly getting himself up.

"Shit! You alright, man?" The other guy calls. Though, the person that ran into me ignores  the other, instead turning his attention to me as he glares.

"Fucking watch where you're going, kid." He snaps coldly as he stands up. I scoff at this, quickly pulling myself onto my feet as well.

"Excuse you! I'm no kid and you're the one that ran into me." I protest. He merely smirks at this though, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, I fucking was. Your dumbass was the one not paying attention and fucking swerved in front of me while watching that asshole who took my board. Gonna fucking do something about it?" He challenges while the other guy makes his way towards us, rolling the skateboard back to the boy in front of me.

My cheeks burn lightly in embarrassment of having been caught, but it doesn't change the fact that he should've been more careful.

"You should've been more careful then." I scoff quietly. He chuckles bitterly as he steps onto his skateboard.

"I didn't fucking think you'd do anything. You're just a little rich bitch who probably uses their mommy and daddy to take care of the big bad scary guys." He sneers before shoving himself off. The brunette that came to stand beside him merely smirks, eyes taking in my form before walking off after the other.

I groan in frustration at all of this, dusting myself off before picking my bag back up and walking towards class once more. My blood boils as I recall the previous encounter with those skateboarding assholes, the two who merely proved my point that I'd made with Jin hyung and Jimin hyung.

Both boys had been nearly covered in tattoos. I'm not entirely sure there was a single spot of bare skin that wasn't covered other than their faces and ears, and the guy reeked of smoke. If that weren't enough, they both had lip rings, the boy who ran into me having two along with double pierced ears. Disgusting.

They're just nothing but assholes who don't really need to be here.

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