Chapter 10

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Yoongi POV

Sitting at the desk in the bookstore the next day, I actually feel fairly giddy about all of this. I'm actually really excited to make some changes to this place and fix it up a bit more, even if I do love it just the way it is right now.

Jin, Joon, Tae, and even Jimin are stood in the room with me. I'm still a little weary of Jimin, but he seems good enough.

"So what were you thinking, hyung?" Tae asks curiously as I pull up my laptop. I smile over at him, not being able to help myself.

"Well, she said I could do absolutely whatever I want with it. Even made a couple of suggestions." I start, biting my lip as I pull up my internet explorer so that I can start searching for things.

"What suggestions did she make?" Jimin pipes up next, bringing a smaller smile to my face.

I can tell he's trying to make the effort today. I know I scared the younger a bit yesterday, which truthfully isn't too surprising. I know it's easy to be afraid of someone that's as covered up as I am, to be afraid of someone who's as cold as I am. It takes effort though, in order to get past that first layer, and that seems to be something that he's trying to do right now. And that is exactly what's important.

"I love playing the piano more than anything else, so she suggested I bring one in. That way I can still work on my music even when I'm working here. I also volunteer at the animal shelter that's closer to downtown. There's a handful of cats that they're looking at putting down this week if nobody adopts them. She said I could bring them here too. But, with the location being so close to campus, I think it needs more than just cats and books to draw peoples interest." I explain lightly to Jimin.

Glancing over at him, I'm mildly amused to find his eyes lighting up with a grin.

"First of all, I'll take one of the cats. Secondly, I... maybe?... have an idea for what you could add?" Jimin responds almost immediately. I chuckle at this, leaning back in my chair as I look over to the younger who's leaned into Tae's side.

"Go for it, kid." I tell him, still smiling a small bit at him.

"Well, I thought maybe you could add in a piece of a café type of thing to it? I know generally when I'm reading, or looking for a book to read, I love having something warm to drink with me even if it's the dead of summer. You could even offer cold drinks during the summer time, just in case too? I-it's just a thought though." Jimin elaborates lightly. It's obvious he gets shy and mildly embarrassed at the end, but it's truthfully nice to see. It's nice to see someone have heart and have a reason behind their thoughts and suggestions.

"I like that idea, Jimin. A bookstore café. We could rename it Kittens Bookstore Café?" I causally, looking over to Jin and Namjoon for some feedback. They both smile at the name though, nodding their heads.

"This is what I was talking about last night, Yoongi." Namjoon speaks up softly, smile still prominent on his face. I give him a questioning look, not understanding what he means.

"You put up that cold, asshole front for everyone. When, in reality, you're just a fucking softy who likes music and cats and warm drinks and small hole-in-the-wall type places like this. You go out and try to make everyone afraid of you if they try to interact in any way, when you're just a damn fluff ball." Namjoon says gently with a small chuckle. I roll my eyes at this though.

"Joonie, baby, he has a reason for that front and you know that." Jin scolds softly.

"You can't really blame him for that though, can you?" Jimin speaks up quietly, glancing up at Tae. The younger looks down at him with curiosity, not seeming to understand any better than the rest of us.

"What do you mean, Jiminie?" Tae asks gently, running his fingers through the others hair. Jimin glances over to me before looking back to Tae.

"I mean, he has good reason for why he was protecting you last night. For why he would protect you in general. I can't tell you how many times my parents would look down on anyone that had more than a couple of tattoos visible. The amount of people that put down anyone at school who would come in with a few tattoos. So many people are so cold in their judgments just because of the tattoos or piercings. It would make sense to not be overly friendly with anyone else they were actually making an effort." Jimin elaborates, eyes trained on Tae the entire time.

I smile a bit at this, not needing to be around him anymore than this to know that he's certainly a good person for Taehyung.

"It's about a lot more than just that, Jimin. But that's a very good observation and you're certainly on a good track with that." Jin responds. The younger looks over at me curiously as he finds out that he's missing bits of it, but there's a small smile on his face anyways. I return the smile, giving him a small nod.

"Now if we're finished talking about me, I would appreciate some help in figuring out all of the right things I need so that this place can be up and running soon."

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