Chapter 17

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Jungkook POV

As I meet up with Jin and Jimin this morning for the three of us to head to campus together, I don't initially say anything. They were essentially pissed and not talking to me yesterday, and I don't really know how I feel about being around them right now.

If I'm being completely honest right now, I'd much prefer to be spending more time with Yoongi hyung. Whether that be walking to campus with him or helping him in the bookstore or whatever the hell it ensues, I'd rather be with him. I don't really know why considering Jin and Jimin are supposed to be my best friends and I've only just become somewhat acquainted with Yoongi, but I'd certainly much rather be with the tattoo covered boy.

"Why were you asking about Yoongi last night?" Jin questions with a small frown when I reach my two friends. I merely shrug at this, not particularly feeling like telling them anything right now. I know I've barely changed from the person my parents molded me into, even if I went and spent an hour or so with Yoongi last night. I'd much prefer to at the very least befriend the elder and be closer with him so that I can prove that I've changed before bothering to tell them anything.

They wouldn't even give me a chance yesterday after everything that happened Saturday, and if I'm completely honest, I feel somewhat betrayed for how they treated me yesterday.

"Wait, you were asking about Yoongi yesterday?" Jimin asks in confusion and curiosity as we begin walking, looking over at me. I merely nod my head, shrugging once more.

I can't help but think back to the bookstore last night. There were so many boxes in the back behind rows of bookcases that looked ready to crumble at a moments notice. I mean, it makes sense that they probably needed replacing, though that wouldn't explain those smaller shelves we built. But, what doesn't make sense to me, is why Yoongi was the one building them and putting them up. It's the owners responsibility to handle repairs and replacements, handymen. Not a simple employee of the place, no matter where they work.

"He was. I'm still waiting for an answer on why though, Jungkook. I swear, if you only asked so that you could go fight with him some more rather than at the very least apologizing-"

"I was just curious. I didn't do anything, but thanks for having faith in me." I mutter bitterly before walking a bit faster to walk away from them.

I sigh softly to myself at this, shaking my head.

Glad to know that the people who are supposed to be my friends and have my back, have such little faith in me. At least I know the truth now, I guess. I don't know if that's supposed to prove who they would believe in more between me or Yoongi, or if it's supposed to prove that in reality Yoongi means more to them than I do, but whatever the fuck it's supposed to prove, it kind of hurts.

I know I was a bit of an asshole Saturday. I know I fucked up. But for fucks sake, I'm still human. It's one of those things that I hated and still hate about my parents so much. Is that, for them, everything, absolutely every little thing down to the most minute detail has to be absolutely perfect. That there is just no room anywhere at all for a single flaw or error. Mistakes aren't allowed, mistakes are fatal. And I hate that.

I hate that so much. I've watched them fire exceptional workers in their business for the smallest of mistakes. And I know I was slowly beginning to see life that way as well, but thank fuck, Yoongi caught me before I could. I know and can see where I'd been wrong and where I messed up. I don't want to have to feel like my flaws and mistakes are fatal though. I don't want to have to feel like I can't afford to make a single mistake.

Last night with Yoongi, even though I can't even begin to count the number of times I grabbed the wrong tool for him and would mess up some of the boards with him, I didn't really feel like I messed up that much. I didn't feel like I was making tons of mistakes. I just... felt like I was learning for once. We would just have a small chuckle when we'd realize we messed something up with the boards, and he was always so kind about helping me figure out which tool was the right one he'd been looking for when I grabbed the wrong one.

And maybe that's why I like spending time with Yoongi a bit more. He really does make me feel more human, and like it's okay to make mistakes as long as I'm learning from them.

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