Chapter 4

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Yoongi POV

"There's my favorite boy."

I can't help the smile that forms on my lips at Ms. Lee, shaking my head at her.

"I'm not just a boy anymore, Ms. Lee." I tell her with a small eye roll, nearly the same greeting every day. She merely chuckles at this though, walking from around the counter to wrap me up in a hug. I smile at the warm embrace, returning the hug before we both pull away once more.

Looking around the somewhat small bookshop that became my home a few years ago when I found this place, a small frown dawns my lips at the sight of books piled high on multiple tables.

"What happened?" I ask softly, turning my head to look back at the elder woman in front of me. Her gaze is now on the same things that had caught my attention, a sad tinge in her light brown eyes.

"One of the shelves on the last bookcase broke. It happened earlier today." She says sadly, dragging her gaze from the piles of stacked books to look back over to me with a small smile. I frown at this though, running a hand through my hair.

"I thought I just fixed that back up a couple weeks ago though?" I question softly, my chest feeling heavy at the rundown-ness of the bookshop. It's been falling apart over the last couple years, but I've done everything I can to keep this place as up and running as possible.

"You did. I'm afraid it wasn't just a couple screws this time though. The shelf itself caved and broke." She answers gently, making me rub my hands over my face roughly.

She gives me another warm smile though, taking my hand and leading me to the back of the shop where her mini office is. The one she lets me use in the evenings when I'm closing up shop.

"How's work at the shelter and tattoo shop been? Have you gotten that tattoo you've been talking about?" She asks lightly as we sit down. It worries me that she's asking about them, fearful of where this conversation is going to go.

"It's been good. The tattoo shop is still fairly busy, we get a decent amount of customers on a daily. Work at the shelter has been okay, but I'm a little worried. There's a number of cats there that are going to be put down soon if they don't get adopted. But, Ms. Lee, why are you asking?" I question quietly, unsure of what she's trying to lead up to. She sighs at this, running a hand over the old wooden desk.

"Yoongi, you know business hasn't been doing the best here. We're only making so much of a profit, and I can hardly afford to pay your checks."

"Then don't pay me, if it's too much. I love working here, Ms. Lee." I cut in, afraid of where this is going. She gives me a soft smile at this, a small amount of sadness still captured in her eyes.

"Sweetheart, I'm not in the health I used to be in when I first opened shop, either. You've put so much of your own money into this place over the years. I think you know what my thoughts are for the place, Yoongi. I can see it in your eyes that you know." She tells me, voice gentle the entire time.

I shake my head though, not wanting to believe this.

I can't lose this place. I would give up my degree at college for this place. It means more to me than any building or house I've ever set foot in, save for the tattoo shop that I opened with Jin hyung and Tae's help. Namjoon even contributed some wonderful upgrades and new touches to the place, took over Jin's spot for him. This place is quite literally the only place that has ever felt like home for me. The only place I've ever considered a home. I can't lose it now. Not after everything.

"Ms. Lee, please. I-I'm willing to do anything. Please, you can't shut this place down. You know as well as I do how much this place means to me." I whisper quietly, trying hard not to cry from all of this.

"I've been thinking, Yoongi. For quite some time now, truthfully. I'm not too capable of running this place like I used to. If it weren't for you, I probably would've shut this place down a couple years ago now. It's people like you, Yoongi, people who find solace in places like this, that has kept me from doing exactly that." She informs me, a soft smile on her lips. I open my mouth to speak, however I catch the look she gives me, and I quickly find myself shutting it once more with a sigh.

"Yoongi, I've never wanted anything more than for people to love this place as much as I do. You're much younger than I am though, much more in touch with how to fix things and what to do to get things up and off the ground, to get them running again. I couldn't be prouder to have been able to own such a place that could grant your strained soul such a solace, Yoongi. I do know how much this place means to you, and I know you've done very well with your tattoo shop that you opened with your friends." Ms. Lee continues, a gentle and warm look taking over her features more than usual. There's a knowing look now in her eyes, making me mildly skeptical.

"Yoongi, I'd like to give this business to you. Do with it what you want. Whatever renovations to this place that you think it needs. Bring the cats from the shelter here if you so desire. Add a piano so that you can still work on your music when you're here. Do what you want, but I want you to have the business. I know and trust that you'll take good care of it for me."

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