Chapter 22

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Yoongi POV

As we lay on my couch watching whatever movie Jungkook had picked out, it's easy to tell just how serious he'd been about being somewhat uncomfortable in new settings the first few days. He shifted around a lot at the beginning of the movie, apologizing quietly nearly every time with his cheeks a warm color. It wasn't until we were about thirty minutes into the movie when he finally seemed to get comfortable enough to stop moving around. We were an hour in when he finally seemed to ease up a bit, relaxing into me a bit more as the movie continued playing.

Glancing down at the younger, I let a small smile form onto my lips. He's fast asleep now, probably forty five minutes still left in the movie. I don't want to move the younger quite yet, actually appreciating the warmth and the cuddling. I don't get to cuddle with anyone much anymore considering Jin and Namjoon have each other and Tae now has had Jimin for the last two weeks. It wasn't easy to begin with, considering how busy I've always been with work and volunteering and everything else I've been caught up in.

Sighing softly to myself, I know I need to get him to bed.

Reluctantly, I shift myself around him so that I can hook my arms around him. Gently picking him up, I hold him carefully to my chest as I begin to make my way towards my bedroom. It's certainly not the easiest task to carry him throughout my apartment, but I imagine it's probably easier that moving the bookcases at the store would've been on my own.

Finally reaching my bed, I gently lay him down. He shifts a bit, murmuring some incoherent things that I can't even begin to interpret, but it's a cute sight. I smiling lightly at the sleeping younger, I carefully pull the covers out from under him before tucking him in. I pause for a moment once he's tucked in, smiling a bit as I simply observe just how sweet and innocent he truly looks asleep.

Sighing softly to myself, I shake my head and exit my bedroom, leaving my door only cracked open. Making my way back to my living room area, I turn the movie off along with my television.

Running a hand through my hair, I make my way to my school bag that I'd put away in the closet this morning. Opening my bag up, I pull out my extra charger cord along with my laptop and headphones.

Sitting back down on the couch, I boot my laptop up and plug my headphones in before grabbing my phone. Plugging it in to charge, I unlock it and open up my messages app.

Me: Hey, you're planning on coming over to the bookstore tomorrow right?

Sending Hobi the message, I run a hand through my hair once more before logging into my laptop.

Even if I've dropped out of school, I'm not going to stop making music. Or at least trying. I know it won't be easy and certainly won't be as good as it would be if I had all of the equipment I had at the school's studio, but it'll be something and it won't be absolute shit still either.

I can still try and produce the music and put it out there, still try and make some money off of it. I know it won't be a lot of money coming in from selling my music, but it's better than not getting it out there at all and not getting a little extra money on the side of the bookstore and tattoo shop.

Hobi: Definitely! Why? What time do you want me to be there?

I smile lightly at his text, quickly typing up a response to him.

Me: I'll be there probably around eight thirty. You can come anytime after that. There's some things I need to talk to you about when you come tomorrow.

With that, I toss my phone to the side. Taking a deep breath and rubbing my hands over my face, I begin pulling up everything I need to start working on my music.

I quickly begin to get lost in the work of making my music, something I've always enjoyed doing. It's one of the few ways I can best express myself, where I can truly be myself and not get judged. Where I can say what the hell I want and not have to care about what others have to say. Especially now that I don't have to worry about any of it getting graded.

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