Chapter 18

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Yoongi POV

Unlocking the bookstore and walking inside, I take a deep breath. Biting my lip lightly, I slowly walk around, taking in all that I still need to do yet. Jungkook helped me finish the smaller bookcases yesterday, and I managed to build two of the taller ones after he left, but that still leaves me with four more tall shelves to build and all the shorter shelves that I'm planning to line the back and sides with. I still have tables and chairs to build for the front half of the place, and I need to have this place mostly put together by Friday if I'm gonna be able to bring all of the cats here before they end up getting put down. I haven't even had the chance to go out and look for a good piano to bring in here yet.

Groaning softly, I rub my hands over my face.

There's so much work to be done yet and so little time to get everything organized. I'm not dumb enough to think that I had any chance of getting everything done in a week span easily, but I really didn't think it'd be this overwhelming of a task to accomplish. There's no doubts that I won't have a chance at getting any sleep for the rest of the week. Not with everything that still needs done.

Just as I'm about to move to get to work, I hear the door chime to signal that someone's just entered. I frown in confusion at this, twisting around to see who it is. Though, I'm surprised to find Jungkook entering with a small shy smile on his face.

"Hi, hyung." Jungkook greets softly, rubbing the back of his neck lightly. I merely quirk an eyebrow at him though, confused as to what he's doing here.

"What're you doing here, Jungkook?" I ask gently, not understanding why he would show up.

"I thought you might need some more help with all the building you still have to do. It looked like a lot from what I took in last night. Thought it'd be nice to spend some more time with you anyways." Jungkook explains, shrugging a bit with a shy look still on his face. I smile lightly at this, shaking my head at him.

"Jungkook, you know you don't have to, right? I understand that you want to change, and you've already begun doing a great job of that. You don't have to keep coming back here just to prove that to me or anything else like that." I tell him with a small smile of my own. His smile drops just a tiny bit at this, nodding his head.

"I know I don't have to. I told you last night, I wanna be friends with you, and I want to help you in fixing this place up. I... I like spending time with you." Jungkook responds softly, gaze falling. I can't contain the gummy smile that forms on my lips at this, taking a deep breath to tone myself down a bit at this.

"Well, lets get to work then. There's a lot more to do than what you realize." I chuckle lightly, motioning for him to follow me. I catch the sight of his face lighting up from this just before I'm turned around, and I smile a bit to myself at the sight. Jungkook is quick to reach my side as we head towards the back again, and we're quick to get to the back.

"Hyung?" Jungkook speaks up curiously as I begin opening up a new box for another one of the larger shelves. I already have the books moved off of the old shelf that they'd been on, along with having taken that shelf down.

"Yes, Jungkook?" I respond, sparing him a glance as I carefully tip the box to lay it down.

"Why're you the one that's doing all of the building and everything for this place?" He asks quietly, sounding just a little uncertain of himself as he speaks. I smile at the question as I successfully lay the box down without dropping it.

"It's only right for the owner to be the one doing all of the rebuilding, isn't it?" I counter as I begin pulling slats of wood out of the box. Jungkook sits down in front of me on the other side of everything I'm pulling out from the box. His eyes are a little wide as he looks at me in clear surprise, but I merely smile at it.

"You own this place?" He replies, not bothering to hide his surprise. I chuckle softly at this, nodding softly.

"Technically, I just got it Saturday. That had been why I bursted into Jin's house in the middle of your guys' dinner. I've been working here since I moved to Seoul a few years ago, making small repairs here and there to keep it up and running." I answer, glancing around at the shop with a small smile.

"This place must mean a lot to you if you're going through all of this trouble and spending so much just to keep it running." Jungkook murmurs softly, bringing my attention back to the younger. I bite my lip at the comment, a small smile still playing at the corners of my lips.

"Everyone finds solace in something, and each solace to each person has varied weight in how much those things mean to them. I would give everything for this place, Jungkook. This place is my one true solace. I would invest every last amount in my bank account to keep this place running."

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