Chapter 19

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Jungkook POV

My heart warms at his comment on all of this, not being able to hold back the smile that tugs at my lips. Though, at the same time, it makes my chest ache a bit, not having been able to have that solace for so long now.

"I wish I were as brave as you, hyung." I whisper softly, continuing to help him with building this next shelf. He pauses at this though, a very serious look on his face as he shakes his head slowly.

"I'm not brave, Jungkook. I might come off that way from my appearance, or because I willingly and knowingly took over the bookstore despite its obvious condition, but I'm not brave at all." Yoongi responds, sounding somewhat solemn. I can see the pain in his eyes as he speaks before he looks down again, making me exuberantly curious to his past. Though, I know I'm not at all close enough to him to be able to ask that type of question.

"You're braver than I am. You came here and refused to let go of what you found comfort in, following your dreams of whatever your doing in the music college, and taking on this place that you love even though it'll cost you a lot. I never had the courage to do that. I let what I found comfort in go, because my parents would never have it." I murmur softly, explaining my end a bit.

"Jungkook, I appreciate that you think I'm brave, but I'm not. I'm fucking weak. I was told, I knew that when you go into the music industry, there's a very fucking low chance of ever getting anywhere with it. I never had the guts and never cared enough to try and really do something with my life, something that would have a big impact on others, that I would have a certain level of safety in my life with. And you're parents can go fuck themselves for trying to make you let go of something that means so much to you." Yoongi burns coldly.

I frown lightly at this, hating that he sees himself so lowly.

"Yoongi, going into something with such a high uncertainty level is nothing short of brave. You have the guts to give it a go and do what you love. A lot of people would run and hide, cower away from such high levels of uncertainty. Besides, as far as my parents are concerned, they've never really cared about anything I want. Everything I do is for them, is what they want." I explain gently, watching as his motions slow once more.

He looks up at me, and I swear that I catch a glimpse of tears in his eyes before their gone the next second.

"Enough about me. Is your degree for them too? Is it not what you want?" Yoongi mumbles quietly, a surprisingly level of gentleness in his dark brown eyes.

"Growing up, I always loved singing and dancing. I had to be careful never to do it around my parents though. They'd have me buried for something like that. I would've much preferred to go into something with the performing arts, I never even had the courage to tell them though. I knew what the answer would be, and I was lucky enough to let them come here instead of the best, most pretentious business school in all of South Korea." I divulge softly.

Glancing up to Yoongi from the wood I'd been staring at nervously, he stays silent for a moment. It scares me, honestly, wondering what the hell could possibly going through his head.

"You should go for the degree that you want, Jungkook. You shouldn't spend your whole life miserable, living the life someone else wants you to lead. Spend it doing what you want, you're the one that has to live with the consequences. Not them." Yoongi murmurs, an unreadable expression in his eyes as they stay locked on me.

I bite my lip at this, shaking my head.

"It's not that easy, Yoongi. My parents still have almost complete control over me. If I just randomly switched my major, they'd ruin me." I sigh quietly.

"What power do they really hold over you, Jungkook? What damage can they do to you?" Yoongi asks softly.

"They pay for everything, Yoongi. My schooling, my phone, my apartment, all of it." I mumble in disappointment with myself.

"You can stay with me. You can work here as well, once it's back up and running. I'll help you with the phone bills and college payments until you can make enough to pay for yourself. You don't need to live their life and you shouldn't lead one that you won't enjoy." Yoongi responds firmly, making me smile a little and shake my head.

"Yoongi hyung, I could never ask that of you." I tell him gently. He shakes his head though.

"It wasn't an offer, Jungkook. I'm not going to let you suffer like this when there's something that I can do to help." Yoongi counters calmly, serious expression still spread over his face.

"How would I tell my parents without them killing me though?" I ask with a sigh, not finding this nearly as easy as what he's seeing.

"It's simple. You don't. They can fuck off. And if they ask, then they find out. But you're an adult now, Jungkook. They can't do anything more than what you've described in attempt to punish you. It would've even be much of a punishment considering they'd be setting you free completely."

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