Chapter 23

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Jungkook POV

Feeling myself groggily beginning to wake up, I roll over onto my back and rub my hands over my face to help wake myself up a bit more. When my hands drop to my sides though, I realize that this isn't my place, that I'm not in my bedroom.

My eyes widen as I jolt up into a sitting position, looking around the bedroom I'm in before I begin to recall the happenings of yesterday. Of Yoongi hyung helping me move into his place. Though, I don't recall falling asleep in his bed, but rather most likely while we'd been watching the movie over on his couch.

Glancing over at the bedside table, I look to the clock on it that says it's barely eight o'clock in the morning. I frown at this, wondering why the hell I'm awake, and where Yoongi would be if it's still so early considering he's not in bed.

Looking around the room, I spot the door barely cracked open, making me curious. Crawling out of bed as quietly as I can in case he's asleep somewhere else for whatever reason, I tiptoe my way to the door so that I can peak out of it. Though, as I near the door, the smell of food cooking hits me. Peaking through the crack of the door, I can barely make out a figure sure enough stood in front of the stove.

With a small smile on my lips at this, I open the door quietly, making my way over to him.

"Good morning, Jungkook. How'd you sleep?" Yoongi greets without even turning around.

I pout at this, having wanted to surprise him. Though, I guess when you're used to living alone, any extra sounds another person makes would be quite apparent.

"Morning, hyung. I slept okay, but what're you doing up so early? You know it's barely eight, right?" I ask curiously, walking over to his side. He smiles up at me, reaching up and ruffling my probably already messy hair.

"I'm making breakfast before I head out for the day. If you need anything while I'm out or have any concerns, don't hesitate to call. Alright?" Yoongi responds casually as he finishes up the food he'd been making for us. I frown lightly at this, truthfully wanting him to just stay home with me so that we can cuddle more and watch more movies together.

"How long do you think you'll be out for?" I ask quietly, grabbing plates for him. He takes them and dishes the food out for the both of us before we take them to the table.

"I don't know, Kookie. Probably at least until early afternoon." Yoongi says, and I can't help but blush just the tiniest bit at the sudden nickname he's used. Though, he seems to realize what he's said as well, his cheeks also turning a faint shade of pink. I decide not to say anything on the matter though, and hope that he continues using it. I quite like the nickname actually.

The two of us fall silent after that, both of us staying quiet as we begin eating the food Yoongi had made for us. I have to say, I honestly didn't think he could cook, or at least not this well. It's probably the best food I've had since I moved away from home, but it feels so much more like home cooked, comfort food than anything I ever got served at home with my parents. Everything we ever got served there was high end quality, and there was never really a point in going out to eat because you could essentially have that right at home.

"Thank you for making breakfast, hyung. It's really good." I mumble softly as I glance up at him. He smiles over at me, shaking his head.

"It's not the best. It's actually a little rushed since I'm somewhat behind this morning, so it's not as good as it could've been. But I'm glad you like the food, Jungkook." Yoongi replies gently. I frown at this though, shaking my head this time.

"It's really good, even if you think it isn't. Its... kinda like the first real home cooked type dish I've ever actually had. And... You can keep calling me Kookie, if you'd like. I kinda liked the nickname." I nearly whisper the last part, growing shy over asking him to keep using it. He giggles at this- giggles.

Who the- what the-

Min Yoongi, a guy covered in tattoos and piercings like you've not seen before, the guy who looks like a complete hard ass.

And he fucking giggles?

"I guess I'll have to keep cooking instead of buying takeout then, so that you can get real home cooked meals then, Kookie."

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