Chapter 26

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Yoongi POV

It's a couple weeks later when Jungkook and I are cuddling on my couch again, watching another random movie that I'd let him pick.

We've been opening up to each other a little bit more, bit by bit as each day passes. I've helped him in deciding which major he wanted to choose and start for next semester, helping him decide on a photography major with a dance minor since he still loves dancing around like a little kid sometimes. We also opened up the bookstore last week, which has surprisingly been doing extremely well. A lot better than it had before we closed it for the renovations. It's nice though, despite it being such a surprise. I don't have to be so worried about paying for Kookie's college and the rent on the apartment and then everything else if everything keeps up as well as it did this last week.

Hobi is still the only one that knows about Jungkook being here as well. He's still yet to tell Jimin and Jin, though I'm not entirely sure why. I don't bother ever asking about it though, not wanting him to feel like I'm pushing him or anything.

Needless to say though, I've definitely been falling harder and harder for the younger boy curled up into me whilst we continue watching the movie he picked. It's hard not to when you finally get to know him for him, and living with him only encourages that.

"What're you thinking so hard about, hyung?" Jungkook asks softly, pulling me from my thoughts as I look down to the younger with a small smile.

"Nothing, Kookie." I murmur quietly, brushing my fingers through his brown hair. He smiles at me though, and I can see it in his eyes that he doesn't believe me.

"If you weren't thinking so hard, you wouldn't have been drumming your fingers along my back and the side of your stomach, Yoongi." He giggles lightly. I can't help it as my smile grows at this, somewhat content by the way he's begun to pick up on little quirks of mine that I don't even fully realize I have.

"Since when do I do that when I'm thinking?" I question playfully even though it's fully believable that I would do something of the sort like that. He rolls his eyes at me, sweet smile still on full display.

"Since always, hyung. You do that all the time." Jungkook responds, giggling once more. I grin at this, feigning innocence with a small shrug.

"So do I get to know what's on your mind?" He asks softly this time, moving his hand to rest on my chest before he lays his chin atop his hand. I just smile at him though, raking my fingers through his soft hair.

"I don't know that I should be telling you all of what's on my mind, Kookie." I murmur softly, not really knowing how to put it into words that it's been him all along. He gives me a cute pout though, evidently trying to get his way by being adorable.

"Why not? I'm trust worthy and reliable, aren't I? You can tell me stuff." He pouts. I smile, humming softly in agreement as I continue playing with his hair gently.

"You are, Kookie. I think there's some things that are better left unsaid though." I whisper lightly, trying hard to keep my gaze on his soft chocolate brown eyes rather than falling to his pink lips.

I feel him shift a bit against my side though, before I really recognize what he's doing.

Shifting himself so that he's closer to me.

I try hard to keep my heart from beating like crazy, trying with all my might to keep my breathing under control and not to panic.

It's all I can do, watching as he bites his lower lip gently, catching as his gaze flicker for a moment. Then it flickers again, and I find myself giving into my own wants as I gaze down to his lips. He's not that far away at this point, just a little bit of leaning in on both our parts...

My gaze quickly flickers back up to his eyes, trying with everything in me to push down the panic within me, trying to push down and ignore the thoughts that go along with said panic.

He gives me the tiniest of smiles though, and I find myself doing the same before we're both leaning in.

It starts out as nothing more than a ghost of a feeling when his lips first brush against mine, but then they're pressed flush to my own, taking all of the oxygen out of my body quicker than what I would've imagined.

Though, I'm certainly not complaining as it's the best feeling I've ever experienced in a long time.

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