Chapter 25

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Jungkook POV

Sitting on the couch curled up under one of Yoongi's blankets, I managed to find a few of his books in his room and decided to start reading it. It looks somewhat old, looked like it hadn't been touched in at least a few years now, but it's over music production which I thought was interesting. I guess I never really did find out what he's in college for, what his major is that is, but just based off the few books he had, I'm fairly certain it has something to do with music.

It's not that I necessarily have an interest for music production myself and that's why I picked the book, but rather more because it was something to read and because it seems like something Yoongi would possibly be interested in. It actually is quite an intriguing book honestly, having spent the last few hours reading it now, despite it not being what I want to pursue.

I jump lightly when I hear the door to the apartment open, my head snapping up in the direction of the door to see who's there. It's definitely a little hard getting used to not being in my own apartment, mine also having been quite a bit bigger than this. I'm certainly not complaining though, I like being with Yoongi hyung and I like the fact that this place is smaller, cozier and homier.

"Hi, hyung." I greet lightly with a small smile. He glances over in my direction, a smile on his own face.

"Hi, Kookie. What've you been up to all day?" Yoongi responds kindly, slipping his shoes off before making his way over to me. I grow shy at the fact of getting caught with his book and being snuggled up under his blanket, ducking my head a bit.

"Not a whole lot honestly." I mumble quietly as he makes his way over to stand behind the couch, leaning over it a bit while resting his forearms on the top of the couch.

"Ah, I see you found my old productions book. I never did find that one too useful. The other ones I have gave a lot more insight and suggestions." Yoongi comments casually. I look up at him curiously, refraining from doing anything stupid with our close proximity.

"You don't mind that I found your books and started reading this one?" I ask in confusion. He smiles at this, shaking his head. As he stands more upright again, he ruffles my hair before beginning to head towards the kitchen area.

"Not at all. Least they're getting read now if that's what you wanna spend your time reading. Namjoon gave them to me as a birthday present a few years ago. I've already gone ahead and read all of them anyways, but I knew a lot of the stuff going into it." Yoongi replies with a shrug before opening up the fridge. I smile lightly at this, glad to know that he's not mad or isn't going to tease me for reading something I never expressed an interest in.

"Are you gonna start making dinner soon?" I ask curiously, untangling myself from the blanket so that I can get up and make my way over to him. He smiles over to me before beginning to pull some different items out of the fridge.

"Yeah. I know it's a little early for it, but I didn't have lunch today so I'm a little hungry. You don't have to eat yet if you aren't hungry though." Yoongi says lightly before pulling some pots and pans out.

I smile, making my way over to him before hopping up on his counter. He gives me a small look but shakes his head, not commenting as he works around me. I grin at this, happy I get to sit on the counter while he cooks next to me.

"I didn't have lunch either. I'm not really good at making much other than ramen and I didn't wanna destroy all the cupboards looking for it." I inform him shyly as I watch him begin firing things up. He shakes his head at me, a small smile on his lips.

"It's in the first one. Top, far most left. I don't generally keep a lot of ramen on hand though, so if you end up eating some, let me know when we get low. I'll go get more." Yoongi says, focus staying on the food in front of him.

"Thank you for making dinner, hyung." I comment softly after a few minutes of silence between us, my feet swinging lightly as my legs dangle off the counter. He smiles over at me but doesn't comment, though the smile he gives is more than enough.

"I'm just glad I'm not stuck making dinner just for myself anymore. It's nice to have someone else to cook for."

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