Chapter 29

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Jungkook POV

Waking up the next morning, I'm warmer than I've been every morning since I got here. Recalling the events of last night, a grin quickly spreads across my face as my eyes flutter open. I find the older boy in front of me, body turned away from me with my arm draped over his waist. I can feel his breathing at a regular soft pace, everything feeling so calm and sweet. I begin drawing lazy little patterns on his stomach, and everything just feels so right with him.

I soon hear him mumble incoherently under his breath, shifting slightly against me. I smile softly at this, pressing a light kiss to his shoulder in hopes of making his morning a little better since the older does hate mornings.

"Morning, Yoongi." I murmur softly, resting my chin on his shoulder. He grumbles softly, but rolls over in my arms, making me pull back a bit as I smile at the boy who's now mine.

However, my smile falls when I finally get to see his beautiful face. His cheeks are a little puffy, more so than it usually is in the morning, and to add to it, they're tear stained.

As his eyes flutter open tiredly, there's a small smile on his pouty lips. Well, until they meet my gaze.

"What's wrong, Kookie?" Yoongi mumbles out quietly, hand reaching up to rest on my cheek.

"Yoongi, why do you look like you fell asleep crying?" I whisper worriedly, my own hand reaching up and brushing his hair out of his eyes. His eyes widen a bit before returning to their normal size, a small frown gracing his features.

"What are you talking about, Jungkook?" Yoongi questions in small confusion. I frown deeply at this though, giving him a look.

"Min Yoongi, please don't lie to me. You clearly fell asleep crying, or cried before falling asleep, because your cheeks are tear stained. Please tell me what happened. What's wrong?" I counter, leaning in and pecking his lips in hopes of encouraging a truthful response out of him. He whimpers softly once I pull away, and I can already see tears forming in his eyes. It worries me, my heart clenching at the worrisome sight in front of me.

He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes before nuzzling his way against me to get his head rested in the crook of my neck. I smile sadly at the action, wrapping my arm back around him and holding him closely.

"I-I have an ex, t-that didn't go over well. I got bullied a lot as a kid growing up. I didn't really have any friends other than Jin and Tae back then. B-but when we were in high school, one of the popular guys asked me out. I-I didn't know what to think, a-and I had a crush on the guy at the time too. S-so I went with it and agreed. H-he's the only person I've ever dated before, Kookie. And it was all a fucking joke. J-just to see if I was actually into guys so that they had another thing to throw against me. He k-kept it up for two months before I-I found him making out with one of the cheerleaders at his locker. S-said it was all a joke and c-couldn't believe I-I fell for it. Fuck, there were so many people around that day when I caught them, Kookie. S-said that there was no way anyone could ever love s-someone as f-fucked up as me. I'm sorry, Kookie. I'm just scared, okay? I'm so fucking scared that something like is gonna happen again." Yoongi chokes out, ragged breaths creating small pauses here and there as he speaks.

My heart breaks for the elder who entirely doesn't deserve any of this type of treatment, breaks for how scared he must've been last night and still gave in and let me call him mine.

"You're so brave, hyung. It's okay, Yoongi. You have nothing to apologize for, okay? I'm here and I promise I would never do anything like that to you. You deserve so much better than that type of treatment. I promise, that's never going to happen with me. I'll show you just how good you deserve to be treated, okay? I promise, you're safe from any kind of treatment like that with me." I murmur softly, kissing the crown of his head lightly. He whimpers at this, pulling away a bit so that he can look up at me.

The sight crushes my heart even further, shiny tears filling his beautiful eyes. I lean down gently, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

"I promise you won't ever have to go through anything like that with me."

Behind The Front | YoonkookOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora