Chapter 14

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Yoongi POV

Standing here waiting for Jungkook to say fucking something, I'm about to kick him out when he finally speaks.

"I'm sorry for how I was acting. You were right about me. A little more so than what you know. I-I didn't mean to turn out this way though. I never wanted to be like this." Jungkook finally says, voice quiet and gaze fallen on the floor.

"I don't need an apology or an explanation, Jungkook. You're only doing it to clear your conscience, and I don't fucking need it." I tell him coldly before turning to walk away.

"Hyung, please! I... I really do feel terrible. I never wanted to be this way. I never wanted to turn out this way. It's the exact opposite of how I wanted to become, and I really am sorry for how I treated you." Jungkook speaks up once more, voice surprisingly cracking. I stop in my tracks, sighing softly at all of this.

"Let me ask you this, Jungkook. You're apologizing and saying this isn't how you wanted to be. What the fuck are you gonna do about that though? Does it actually bother you enough to be willing to change?" I ask, turning back to look at him with a quirked eyebrow. I'm surprised to find a lost look in his eyes as he gazes at me, but I don't say anything. Instead I simply stay silent as I wait for the younger boy to decide just how much this truly bothers him.

His gaze falls from me for a moment, almost looking like he's searching the floor for some sort of answer. I don't push him though, knowing how hard of a decision something like this can be.

His eyes eventually snap back up to me though, tears in them but a vaguely determined look in them all at once as he nods fiercely.

"I don't wanna turn out like my parents, hyung. Please, give me a chance. Help me. I want to change." He responds softly. My heart clenches at this, at the pain swimming in his eyes.

"You want an asshole to help you?" I repeat, a tiny smirk on my lips as I say this. I watch as a small smile breaks out onto his face, a somewhat relieved giggle slipping from his lips.

"You can't be that much of an asshole if you work in a bookstore, hyung. And I'm sorry for being so determined that that's what you were when I don't know you very well." He apologizes softly.

"Don't worry about it, Jungkook. We all make mistakes. Now come on. If you wanna change and want me to help you, you're coming in back and helping me." I tell him lightly, waving his apology off before I turn back around. I hear his footsteps as he rushes to catch up with me, and I repress a smile at this.

"Can we start over, hyung?" Jungkook asks softly, looking over to me once he's reached my side. I quirk an eyebrow at this, wondering a little bit as to why he's so determined about all of this, knowing better than to ask though.

"You realize I'm not just going to let you in, regardless of starting over or not, right?" I respond seriously. He nods instantly.

"I wouldn't expect you too." He answers quickly, looking over at me with wide eyes. I hum softly at this, nodding.

"What exactly am I helping you with?" Jungkook soon asks once we've gotten to the back of the shop where open boxes and half built shelves lay.

"I want to get done as much as possible tonight, but if you simply help me with the shelving, I'll count it good enough." I inform him, walking over to where the four long but short in height shelves are laid. I've got the sides bolted to the bottom piece, along with the bottom row built in. Though, there's still two more rows to get put on and the top piece. It's certainly not all of the shelving that I'm replacing, but it's a start and I know he wasn't coming here with the expectation of staying all night to help me build things.

In all honesty, he doesn't really need to help me with anything to prove to me that he wants to change. I could hear the sincerity in his voice, knowing he meant it when he repeated his apology. Though, I kind of felt like I'd just be brushing him off if I just accepted it and walked away, and this just kind of helps to instill that want for him to change. Truly proves to both of us that he really does want this.

"What I can do to help you with them?" Jungkook asks quietly, eyes wide and the sweetest innocent look in his eyes as he looks down to me.

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