Chapter 32

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Yoongi POV

"I'm not surprised it's doing so well, Yoongi, and you shouldn't either. You put in a lot of work for this place and you care a lot about it. It's no wonder it's turned out so great." Namjoon chuckles with a smile, shaking his head at me. I roll my eyes at him as I lean on the counter in front of me a bit, gazing around at all of the people that are milling around. It makes me so happy seeing this place going so well.

"I'll tell you what I'm wondering though, hyung. Why the hell are you here right now? Don't you have class soon?" Namjoon questions curiously, making my blood turn cold for a moment.

I still haven't told anyone other than Hobi about having dropped out, and I don't want to risk saying anything until Jungkook has confirmed that he's spoken it over with his friends first.

I don't have long to panic over trying to come up with some bullshit excuse for Joon though, as the front door bursts open behind the younger. My eyes widen when I spot Jungkook stumbling hastily, eyes glazed over with tears as he frantically looks around the room.

I stand upright at the sight, worried for what's got him so out of sorts as I step from behind the register counter. I don't even have much time to move though as his eyes fall on me, soon being engulfed into a tight hug before he's breaking down sobbing.

"Kookie, what's happened? What's wrong, baby?" I ask softly, wrapping my arms around his waist worriedly. He whimpers at this, and I purse my lips to keep myself from crying as I rub his back gently.

"I-I don't know. I don't get it, hyung. The-they hate me. I-I-" He cuts himself off as he begins sobbing all over again, making my worry grow.

"Baby, who hates you? What happened?" I murmur gently, pressing a kiss to the side of his head. I hear and feel him take a couple deep shaky breaths, and I've never felt so ready to punch someone in the face before. The last thing I want is to ever see Jungkook like this, to see him so hurt and upset over something.

"I-I told Jin hyung and Jimin hyung a-about staying with you a-and that what they said tha-that day really hurt. J-Jin hyung w-wanted me to stay away from you. He-he regrets being friends w-with me a-and said that you deserve so much better than m-me." Jungkook stutters out, his voice just as shaky as his breaths.

"Baby, don't listen to him, okay? Don't listen to him. I don't care about better, if that even exists, all I want is you. Okay? I only want you, Kookie. I don't ever want you staying away from me." I whisper softly, reaching a hand up to run through his hair and play with it lightly. He hums softly at the action, making my smile a bit, glad to know that I can at least provide him a little bit of comfort.

"I know I don't deserve you, but you're still all I want, Yoongi. I don't wanna stay away from you." Jungkook mumbles softly, sounding exhausted by now.

I pull away gently, giving him a warm smile.

"Come on. Let's take you in back and get you some hot chocolate, yeah? You can just stay here or go home for the day, baby. I'll talk to Hobi and have him pick up the work from your classes for you." I tell him lightly, watching a small smile form on his face.

"What about your classes for today? I don't want you to miss or something. Don't you need to leave soon?" He asks with a pout, and I have to force my smile to stick.

"They canceled my classes for today, baby. It's no big deal, okay? Come on, let's go take care of you." I explain gently, wrapping an arm around his waist. He sighs but nods, hands coming up to rub over his face.

Taking him in back to the office that's also been revamped, he curls up on the beanbag that I've added in the corner of the room and I toss him a blanket as well. He smiles at me as he watches me move around the room, quickly making up the mug of hot chocolate for him before handing it over.

"Okay, I'm gonna be up front if you need me. Alright, baby?" I whisper softly, kissing his forehead. He smiles lightly at me, nodding and pecking my cheek shyly. I smile at this, ruffling his hair gently before heading back up front.

It's only as I emerge from the back that I realize Joon is still standing there, a look on his face that I'm not too certain I wanna deal with.

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