Chapter 16

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Yoongi POV

"So what happened with Jungkook last night? Jin said he was trying to find you or something." Namjoon asks once the guy walks out of the private tattoo room. He's closed the door behind himself, signaling that the room is being used at the moment so that he can have his chance to corner me and talk.

"He came in and apologized for how he'd been acting. Then helped me with a couple of the shelves. That's all." I answer with a shrug, moving around the room to clean the tools and put things back away where they belong.

"That's it? After all the hell you both raised Saturday, and all that happened was he apologized and helped you build a couple shelves." Namjoon questions, clearly not believing me. I roll my eyes at this, nodding my head.

"Why don't I believe you, hyung?" He questions when I don't verbally respond. I sigh, getting the fact that I'm not getting left alone about all of this as I set the supplies down on the counter and sit down on the edge of the patients chair.

"I don't know, okay? He came in last night and apologized. I didn't believe him at first and turned to go back to working on the shelves, but he apologized again. Said he didn't want to be like his parents and never meant to be this way. He asked me to help him. I just brought him in back to help with a couple shelves so that he didn't feel like I was blowing him off. He didn't want to leave after helping me with the shelves though." I explain, my confusion and mild frustration coming out clear as day through my voice. He frowns a bit at this, nodding.

"Was anything else said or done or anything?" Namjoon asks gently. I shake my head.

"Not really. He wanted to keep helping after finishing the shelves I'd been in the middle of and moving them. You know how I get in the evenings though. I just kinda half kicked him out of the place." I respond quietly, running a hand through my hair.

"Maybe this could be good for the both of you. Jungkook could really use someone to help him break out of that mindset that he got stuck in. It wouldn't be bad for him to keep helping you either. You could have that place up and running sooner than you were expecting, and you could get a new friend out of it." Namjoon says softly. I frown at this, shaking my head.

"I don't need anymore friends, Joon. I've got the four of you and that's enough for me." I argue with a small frown. He chuckles at this, giving me a small knowing smile.

"Right, and you don't find Jungkook to be the slightest bit attractive, right?" Joon teases. I roll my eyes at this.

"I wouldn't expect anything like that to happen, Joon. Just because I find the kid attractive doesn't mean anything's going to come of it. He just wants to be a better person. Besides, you know how closed off and careful I am with people." I mutter quietly, leaning back in the comfy chair. He gives me a small smile as he walks over to me, running his fingers through my hair and brushing it back away from my forehead.

"It might not be a bad idea to try letting him in a bit, Yoongi. I know it's hard and I know it's scary, but it does sound like he's sincere. Don't keep hurting yourself and holding yourself back just because you've been hurt in the past and are scared now, hyung." Joon murmurs softly, still smiling down at me. I purse my lips at this, sighing quietly.

"Nothing is going to come of it, Joon. Even if you think you understand since you know, doesn't mean that you do. Just let it go and quit pushing." I mumble, trying not to think about the past as I squeeze my eyes shut. He sighs at this, frowning now as he shakes his head.

"You're going to be the reason for your own demise and loneliness, Yoongi. I'm just trying to help." Namjoon says gently before walking away and leaving the room altogether.

I let out another heavy sigh once he's out of the room, leaving me alone in the tattoo room with nothing more than my thoughts.

It's not as easy as he thinks it is. He may know what happened, but he wasn't there to see the way everything affected me. To see the damage that was done, even if he was told about it. The only ones who truly know and understand are Jin and Tae. They're the only ones who will ever understand.

It doesn't matter if I find the younger attractive. It wouldn't matter if I ever ended up falling for the younger. It won't ever matter, because nothing will ever come of it. He doesn't know me or my past, and I hope to keep it that way. He would never fall for me anyways.

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