Chapter 9

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Jungkook POV

"How is that in any sort of way supposed to be him accepting Jimin? And why the fuck does he need to accept Jimin in order for there to be able to be anything between the two of you? This is all so many sorts of fucked up." I speak up. All three of them turn to look at me in surprise, but I don't regret what I've said.

"Jungkook, he literally said he'd only do anything if Jimin hurt me. He's perfectly fine with Jiminie being around me. There's absolutely nothing fucked up about any of this. What is your problem?" Tae responds with a frown.

"It's completely fucked up! The fact that he had to approve of Namjoon in order for Jin hyung to be with him? The fact that he has to approve of anyone before you can be with them? What kind of ducked up system is that? He literally threatened Jimin!" I scoff, not understanding how they don't see the problem with this.

"It's our failsafe system, Jungkook. Besides, nobody ever said he had to approve and we didn't have to care if he likes them or not. But he's family for me and Jin hyung, and his opinion matters to us. I trust him more than I trust myself to be able to know if someone's actually good for me or not. What the hell is your problem?" He argues, holding Jimin tightly to him. Jimin frowns at me, giving me a small glare as he shakes his head.

"Jungkook, I know exactly what you want to say and I want you to shut the hell up right now. You promised you wouldn't mess this up for me. You promised to try, for me." Jimin speaks up quietly, a warning tone in his voice. Though, right at that second, both Namjoon and the asshole return to the room, standing in the doorway of the kitchen. Asshole has a plate of food in his hands at the moment, but doesn't even touch it yet.

"It's assholes like you that I protect them from. I'm the test to see just how much they can handle and just how much disgust is visible in whoever they're interested in's eyes. You would never fucking pass because you're a fucking snotty rich bitch who can't get past the simple sight of even a single one. Or is it the piercings that bothers you?" Yoongi cuts in, voice dark as he watches me with an unamused expression.

"It's the fact that you're a fucking asshole, that's my problem." I sneer, feeling overly frustrated and angry with this dickhead.

"You say that yet you were already looking at my friend with disgust filled eyes when he sped past you on my skateboard. You were disgusted with us both before I even ran into you, which was solely because you swerved in my way since you were busy mentally shaming my friend. You're nothing more than a little rich bitch who thinks he's entitled to every damn thing he wants. Someone who can't even think for himself. Can't judge a person himself." Yoongi counters calmly, leaning against the wall.

"And why the fuck would you think that? You don't sound any better than what you're trying to make me out to be." I snap with a glare. He smirks at this though.

"I'm not making you out to be anything, Jungkook. I'm merely calling it as you keep fucking speaking. Digging yourself a deeper hole to try and crawl out of. It's pretty damn clear in everything that you are. It had to be my fault when we crossed paths earlier in the week, even though you weren't paying attention to what had been in front of you. Hell, it's in the way you fucking hold yourself like you're better than all of us. The way you think you have to absolutely be right. I know your kind, Jungkook. Your business type parents looked down on anyone with a single visible tattoo, anyone who held a cigarette or ever even had a thought of trying their hand at drugs, any guy who has a single piercing anywhere. Looks down on people like me and Taehyung and Namjoon like we're the scum of the earth. Thinks that we don't contribute a damned thing. Tell me, Jungkook. If I'm so far off, when was the last time you judged a persons character? When was the last time you decided a person was good based off more than just their looks?" Yoongi asks, smirk still evident on his face.

Everyone in the room knows I've just lost the battle. I know I've just lost the battle. Because I honestly can't remember the last time I really did properly think for myself. I don't remember the last time I could see someone for something more than their looks on a first time meeting them. I don't remember the last time I actually tried to accept someone who was that different from me.

"It's people like you, who can't get past a persons image, who judges so harshly without seeing how wrong their actions or thoughts are, who judges unconsciously without even realizing it and still stands by their decisions and thoughts, that I protect Taehyung and Jin from. I never had the chance to meet you or Jimin to keep Jin from becoming friends with an asshole like you until now though." Yoongi says calmly, smirk no longer anywhere to be found.

Standing up, I walk over to the door and make quick work to slip my shoes on.

"You're a fucking dickhead, Yoongi. That won't ever fucking change." I growl before storming off out of the house.

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