Chapter 2

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Yoongi POV

As Hoseok and I make it to the music building, I hear him chuckle softly. I frown in confusion at the sound, looking over at him with a quirked eyebrow as I roll into the building slowly with my skateboard. Technically we aren't supposed to be on them inside the buildings, but I don't really give a shit. It's not like it's gonna do any damage.

"What the fuck is so funny?" I question in confusion as we go down the hall. He smiles at me though, shaking his head.

"That kid was the embodiment of prejudice. He was so damn pissed and the disgust on his face, is more than what I've ever seen before. It is amusing to see you acting the part though, Yoongi. You give off a good act, but it's nothing when I know how soft you are." Hoseok chuckles softly, hand reaching out to rub my back gently. I simply shrug at this, not exactly minding the comments.

"He was an asshole. Besides, you know I'm selective on who gets to see that side. You only know that side because things got fucked up at the wrong time and you happened to have been there for it. Jin and Tae only know it because they grew up with me." I respond casually, glancing over at him as I occasionally give myself an extra push to keep my skateboard moving forward.

"You know, you only fed his thoughts on people who look like us." Hobi comments softly as he looks over at me. I sigh at this, shrugging once more.

"I wasn't wrong in anything that I said. Besides, I don't really think matters how I would've treated him. He seems like the type that doesn't fucking see through the surface of much anyways. I wasn't even that terrible until I went to leave anyways." I point out quietly. He gives me a gentle smile in return, nodding his head.

"I know you have your reasons, Yoongi. It's not like we need assholes like him in our life anyways. He was pretty cute though." Hobi responds lightly. I smile over at him from this, nodding.

"He was cute. It's too bad he's a fucking dick like the rest of them." I agree softly. He smiles over at me, shaking his head.

We soon reach the classroom, but I don't particularly care for class right now. Hoseok pulls me down off of my board though, and I sigh as I let him drag me into the classroom. I scoop up my board, following the younger inside just as the professor begins class. He makes a point to give us both a look, but I merely roll my eyes and shrug at him.

It's not like we're walking in halfway through the class.

Sitting down at the back of the room like always, I pull my notebook out even though I know I won't be paying him any attention. Instead, I begin working on sketching and designing a new idea for a tattoo that I've been considering for a few days now. I've thought of getting another one for a few weeks, I've just not been sure where to put it or what exactly I wanted.

I know the others would probably throw a fit over me wanting to do another considering I already have the most out of the four of us, but I can't help it. I've got more shit to hide and things to express than any of them do.

It's why my arms and shoulders are covered in tattoos, why I have tattoos covering certain parts of my neck where the past is most noticeable. It's why I have two lip rings instead of a normal amount of one. It's why I half of my back is covered. Why I have tattoos on my wrists that creep up onto my hand a bit. It's why I have more than what I could probably count. But I use them to express myself as well. I don't just put shit on myself that holds no meaning. Hell, I've put over half of them on myself anyways.

"Thinking of another, hyung?" Hoseok asks from his seat beside me. I nod in return at the question.

"Where are you thinking?" He asks curiously, making me look over at him with a small smile.

"Hips. Trailing down to my upper thighs." I answer softly so as not to disrupt the class more than we had when we first entered. He gives me a gentle smile at this, nodding his head.

"I wanna see the design before you put it on, and I wanna see the finished product. You always come up with the best designs and they always turn out fucking beautiful." Hoseok tells me, tipping his head a bit at me to let me know he's serious. I simply smile at this, nodding.

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