Chapter 38

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Yoongi POV

Gathering up all the energy that I know I don't have, I grab my skateboard and exit my apartment, not even bothering to lock it up behind me.

It's not long before I'm arriving at Jin hyung's house, leaning against the doorframe as I knock on the door. I'm still drowning in my tears as I manage to wait for the door to open. I'm only marginally surprised when it's Tae that's on the other side of the door, but I barely have time to process anything when I'm instantly brought into a tight hug.

Nothing is said as he gently pulls me into the house, hand staying on my back as he rubs soothing circles into it while he uses his other hand to close the door behind us.

"Tae? Who was it?"

I recognize Namjoon's voice pretty easily, but I don't have any energy to speak or anything. I just break down harder at the kindness in the younger's voice.

Before I even realize it, I'm being picked up by Tae, and I instantly curl into his chest.

"Tae- What happened?" Namjoon asks as he exits the kitchen. Tae just shakes his head though, before I'm being transferred to Namjoon's arms and getting carried off to their bedroom.

Namjoon closes the door behind us, not saying a word as he brings me over to the bed. Though, trying to lay me down doesn't work too well, myself clinging tightly to the younger in fear of being left all over again.

"Yoongi, please. Just let go and lay down." Namjoon murmurs softly, bringing one hand up to brush my hair back off my forehead.

"Don't leave me. Please, Joonie." I whimper out, looking up at him through the tears. He gives me a small smile though, shaking his head at me before kissing my forehead.

"I'm not even gonna leave the room, Yoongi. I just wanna grab a couple of things for you before we lay down, okay?" He says gently. I whimper once more but reluctantly let go, allowing him to effectively lay me down in bed and walk away.

I sit up immediately though, watching as he walks around the room a bit. He gathers a blanket and something else in his arms before he's heading towards the door and a loud whine escapes my lips in protest.

"I just need to tell Tae a couple things, Yoon. It's gonna be okay, alright? I was in the middle of cooking, we don't want the house to burn down." The younger says lightly in an attempt to reassure me. I pout greatly at this but don't say anything, wrapping my arms around my legs as I continue crying to myself quietly.

He walks out of the room though, and I can't help it as my cries grow louder, hating the position I'm in right now.

I don't understand. I don't understand any of this. We talked about it. We talked things through. He knew I'd back him up. He knew I was prepared to pay for his college when his parents became assholes and cut support. He-he said he really wanted me, and that he wouldn't hurt me.

So why? Why did he leave? Why didn't he fight back? Why didn't he fight with me? For me? Why did he give into them so fucking easily? What was so wrong with me that he gave in? Why did he let them take him away?

Was I not good enough? Did I do something wrong at some point? Did I say something wrong? Was I too much to handle? Did I not do enough?

"Alright, I'm back. Come on, Yoongi. Lay down, hyung." Namjoon says softly once he enters the room once more, pulling me from my raging thoughts. I whimper quietly as I look up to him and watch him make his way over to me.

I'm soon wrapped up in a blanket though, being handed an unwrapped lollipop not even a minute later. I cry harder at the sight of the lollipop, not realizing just how badly that was needed until slipping it in my mouth and mildly hating it for the fact that it wasn't a cigarette.

I have to bob the candy in and out of my mouth a couple of times to get used to it, but it nearly shuts me up completely once I've kept it in my mouth. Namjoon pulls me into him almost instantly, letting me cuddle right up to him and rest my head on his chest.

It doesn't stop the crying. Nowhere near to that. Though, it calms me enough to keep me from going into a panic attack, enough to keep me fairly quiet as I cry. He just holds me and wraps the blanket around me tighter though, and I've never been more grateful than in that moment for my friends.

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