Chapter 13

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Jungkook POV

Staring down at my phone that's laid in front of me on my bed, I'm terrified of what I'm thinking about. I don't really know the right ways to go about what I want to do, and I'm scared of how much my friends must be hating me right now, but I know I need to do this.

Taking a deep breath, I force myself to unlock my phone and send Jin hyung a text.

Me: Hi, hyung. I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything, but I needed to know something. You said Yoongi works at a bookstore, right?

Not knowing how else to put it, I send the text before closing my phone once more. It's only a few seconds later thankfully that I'm getting a response.

Jin: I did. Why is that important, Jungkook?

Biting my lip nervously, I swallow thickly as I type up my response.

Me: That's not it. Where does he work? What's the name of the place?

Jin: It's currently closed as it's going through some changes.

Me: Please, hyung? Will he be there?

Jin: It's two blocks towards campus from where Jimin works. A street back though. Yes, he'll be there. Now why is this important?

Me: Thank you!

Letting out a heavy sigh, I shake my head as I crawl off my bed. Looking around my room, I grab a light jacket and toss it on over my tee shirt before slipping my phone in my pocket and leaving my bedroom. When I reach my front door, I slide into my shoes and head out, locking up behind me before heading off on my way.

I'm not even sure of what the hell I'm going to say to the tattoo covered boy, but I know I need to go talk to him. I need to see him and talk things out with him.

Feeling nervous as I go, I snuggle a bit more into my jacket, having forgotten just how much cooler the evenings can be from when the sun is out and shining during the day. Though, I know in reality, part of my coldness is due to my nerves. It only ever escalates whatever it is I'm feeling.

When I reach the coffeeshop Jimin works at, I pay special attention to where I'm going, not wanting to mess this up. I don't need to be getting lost.

Though, when I reach the block Jin hyung had told me it'd be on, I pay special attention. Keeping on the lookout for the bookshop, I find one just halfway down the block. It's an old building for sure, a yellow light aglow from the shop that certainly does say closed, though I can't tell if it's a yellowish color due to the windows or whatever lights are on inside the shop.

Taking a deep breath, I bite my lip nervously as I push the door open. I'm somewhat surprised that it's not locked, but I guess with someone like Yoongi working there, they probably must not be too worried. A small bell dings at the top of the second door that I enter through before I'm welcomed into the bookstore. However, what I'd not been expecting, was for the entire place to be in somewhat of a disarray.

"I'm so sorry, but we're closed- What the hell are you doing here?" Yoongi questions when his gaze meets my figure, tone going from so kind and polite to a cold and harsh one. I instantly freeze on the spot, nerves taking over a bit.

It's bad enough that I'd been nervous to talk to Yoongi. That I didn't really know what the hell I was going to say in the first place. But I certainly hadn't been expecting to walk in and find Yoongi in nothing but a tank top and his jeans considering the cool weather just outside. And as much as I would never admit it aloud, it's hard to deny just how breathtaking he actually is, the tattoos and piercings simply giving him an edgy vibe.

"Are you gonna fucking answer me or just keep staring?" Yoongi questions, not looking too amused as my gaze finally properly meets his. It's a cold look, one that I'm sadly not surprised to see.

"I was hoping to talk to you." I manage to answer quietly, trying to push down my nerves. The shorter but much more intimidating tattooed man merely cocks an eyebrow at me, not seeming too convinced.

"What the hell do you want to talk about and why can't it wait for another time? I'm a little busy at the moment." Yoongi asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

I fall silent once more, not really knowing how to start or how exactly to put it.

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