Chapter 3

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Jungkook POV

Jin hyung and I stand as Jimin's evening shift ends, both of us making our way over to the counter to wait for him to be ready to leave. It doesn't take him too long, and soon enough the three of us are leaving.

"How was work?" I ask lightly as we begin the trek back towards the general area of where the three of us live. Jimin gives us a shy smile, sheepishness growing onto his face.

"Okay, I know I said this morning that I agreed about guys with tattoos and shit being scary and being assholes. I think I met someone today that completely changed that idea though." Jimin admits with a light blush. My face instantly twists with a look of disgust as I look over at him.

"What kind of shit are you on? I ran into a couple this morning that were absolute assholes." I question, not understanding what the fuck he could've seen.

"I'm not on shit, Jungkook. You know that. But seriously. I was working earlier this evening, and this guy came in that had his fair share of tattoos. He had a tank on with a flannel around his waist, so it was pretty easy to see the tattoos scattered on his arms and the one that crawled up his neck. He was so kind though. This little girl came running up to the counter to ask for a hot chocolate because I guess her mother told her she could, only for the girl to find out that the woman wouldn't pay for it. He paid for the little girls hot chocolate before ordering his own drink. It was the sweetest thing ever. And quite honestly, the tattoos look good on him." Jimin explains excitedly with a happy smile spread on his lips all the while. I just frown though, rolling my eyes at this.

"I'm glad you were able to see past the tattoos, Jimin. It sounds like the guy was very kind and a genuine person." Jin hyung tells the younger with a smile. Jimin beams at Jin, clearly still on cloud nine from his bizarre encounter.

"He really is, hyung! We got to talking a little bit after he'd paid for the little girl, talking about how her mother was such a bitch for doing something like that. He commented about the girl being why he likes kids so much, because they're carefree and don't have any prejudgments of anyone. So we got to talking on that next, talking about his tattoos and everything. I might've exchanged numbers with him too." Jimin spouts happily, growing a little shy at the end.

"Do you really think that was a smart idea to do that with a guy tatted like that? Have you forgotten how shitty people like that really are?" I question, not being able to take it anymore. Both Jin and Jimin frown over at me from this, neither seeming overly happy from my comments.

"He's a really sweet guy, Kookie. You just have to give him a chance, rather than judging based off of their looks." Jimin says softly. I scoff at this though.

"Right. I'm sorry, but the two assholes I ran into earlier were filled with tattoos and piercings and shit, and they were both assholes. The one didn't even say a word to me but had the audacity to fucking check me out, and the other was a complete asshole. Ran into me then blamed me for us colliding as if he weren't the one that hadn't been paying attention." I reply, having had enough from this mornings encounter to know that I don't particularly ever want to come in meeting with their kind ever again.

"Maybe you just got off on the wrong foot with them, Kookie? I don't know. This guy that I met today was super sweet though. I'd actually really like you to meet him sometime, if you'd be willing and welcoming." Jimin responds softly as he shrugs. I roll my eyes.

"You know I would do anything for you, Jimin. I don't particularly care for their kind, but if it means that much to you, you can introduce us whenever you want." I grumble with an eye roll. He smiles over at me though, seemingly pleased enough.

"That's good enough for me." Jimin agrees with a grin, nodding his head in emphasis. I just sigh at this, wondering what the fuck I've gotten myself into for a later date.

I try to ignore it though, staying quiet as I let Jimin and Jin hyung discuss Jimin's encounters of the day, no longer interested in much of what either one has to say.

I don't care what either of them say. It was clear this morning that they're all the fucking same. They're all that everyone always makes them out to be.

Nothing good.

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