Chapter 39

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Jungkook POV

Sitting in my room, I sigh as I look down at my phone for what feels like the millionth time now. I've got Yoongi's contact pulled up, just asking for me to hit the button to call him, but I just end up panicking.

It's been over a week now since the day I left him, and being without someone has never been so hard. It's been absolute hell being at home away from him, not even having any contact with him. Not getting to hear him or see him or touch him... it all just fucking hurts.

I've barely said a word since I got in the car that day, I've refused to do anything remotely productive too. It's been driving my parents up a wall, but I couldn't care less. They deserve the frustration of me not doing a single damned thing since they took me away.

I know I need to call Yoongi. I need to talk to him, I need him back. I can't handle this, I can't handle being alone. Not now that I've had the chance to experience what it's like to have him. Not when I've have the chance to know what it feels like to call him mine, to get sleep together in the same bed. Not when I've finally gotten to experience what it had been like to have his trust. And yet... I went and turned around and destroyed his trust faster then I ever would've imagined.

Groaning quietly to myself, I huff as I unlock my phone once more. Without hesitating, I press the call button before I can back out of this, flipping it to speaker instantly. I swallow nervously as I listen to it ringing until it cuts off and ends the call. My heart drops at the sounds, and I have to close my eyes and take a deep breath before repeating the process of calling him. It's ended a second time, making me begin to lose hope, but I force myself to push on for one last attempt.

This time it doesn't end so abruptly, making my nerves grow with anticipation that maybe he might answer this time. Though, as it hits the third ring, I begin to lose hope once more.

It suddenly quits ringing, but it doesn't end the call, making me actually look down at the device in front of me out of confusion. My heart nearly stops when I realize why it hadn't ended the call...

He actually answered it.

"Yoongi hyung?" I murmur quietly, my voice a bit rough from the combination of not speaking much lately and now beginning to get choked up. I hear the sound of his breath catching, and before I know it, there's tears forming in my eyes with a small smile toying at my lips.

"What do you want, Jungkook?" Yoongi responds just as quietly, his question sounding a bit more like a statement. It feels like a shot to the heart, but I try to ignore it, knowing I deserve it anyways.

"Hyung, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Yoongi. I didn't want to leave you. I promise I didn't want to leave with them, I was just so scared of what they would do to you if I didn't comply. Hyung, please. I'm so fucking sorry." I break down crying in an instant, not being able to control or contain myself.

Fuck, I've missed his raspy voice so fucking much. God it just makes me miss him all that much more than I had before.

"You made the choice to leave, Jungkook. I told you I would fight for you and stay and help you in every way I could. I did fight for you, I was paying you for the work you were doing at the shop. You made the decision to leave, not me." Yoongi says, tone flat but voice shaking.

"Yoongi, please. Fuck, please, Yoongi. I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. It's been absolute hell without you. Please, I promise I never wanted to leave you and I fucking miss you so damn much, Yoongi. I didn't want to leave. I never wanted to leave you. I was so scared though, hyung. My parents, they've got a shit ton of money and a hell of a lot of power. I was afraid of what they would try to do to you, hyung. I-I was afraid they would get you kicked out of college or-or take the bookstore away from you or something. I just didn't want something bad to happen to you, Yoongi, it's the only reason I left. Please, hyung. Please believe me, I'm so fucking sorry."

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