Chapter 33

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Namjoon POV

Running a hand through my hair, I enter my apartment that I share with Jin and Tae. When I shut and lock the door behind me, I slip my shoes off before entering our place completely, spotting my boyfriend sat on the couch with his laptop. Tae's sat on the other end of the couch on his phone, glancing over at Jin occasionally with what seems to be a mildly worried glance.

"Alright, is someone gonna tell me what's going on and what's got my boyfriend in such a sour mood that I don't even get a hello kiss?" I question, crossing my arms over my chest as I glance between the two brothers. Tae looks over at me and gives me a small smile, clearly he doesn't seem to be as bothered with whatever it is that's got Jin so riled up.

"Hi, hyung." Tae greets quietly, giving me a small wave. I smile at the younger, returning the smile and wave, glad to have someone communicating in this place.

"I'd rather not talk about it right now, Namjoon." Jin says finally, still not looking up at me and not even properly greeting me.

"Well that's too bad, hyung. We're going to talk about this right now whether you want to or not, because I'm not coming home to you being in a shitty mood and taking it out on me." I respond, cocking an eyebrow at the elder. It's what finally draws his attention away from his computer screen, looking up at me in frustration.

"Did you know Yoongi and Jungkook are allegedly living together and dating?" Jin questions in return, sounding overly bothered by this topic. I frown at the way he words it, before recalling just why exactly I had witnessed what I did this morning.

"You don't believe Jungkook?" I ask, moving to sit down on our extra chair we have in the living room. Jin scoffs at this, rolling his eyes.

"Fuck no, I don't believe him that they're together. And they shouldn't be either. H needs to stay the hell away from Yoongi, all Jungkook is going to do is hurt him more and Tae and I don't need to go through that again with him." Jin answers in an incredulous tone. I frown at this, glancing over to Tae.

"And what's your take on the matter, Tae? Were you there?" I ask the younger. He nods at this.

"He seemed really nervous to tell us about all of it. I don't think he was lying about any of it though. Yeah, it's unexpected considering the last time any of us really saw Jungkook was right after the whole thing that happened here, and then he suddenly appears saying that he's living with Yoongi and that they're together. I believe him though. It's not like we have any idea of what happened between the two in the last few weeks now, and there certainly weren't any glances made towards me that said he still felt uncertain with the whole tattoos thing." Tae explains with a shrug. I smile a bit at the younger, glad there's at least one of them with some common sense in them still.

"Quite frankly, I have no reason not to believe Jungkook. He seemed really genuine about everything he told us. And, as long as he treats Yoongi hyung well and makes him happy, then that's all I want for hyung." Tae adds in a softer tone this time, gaze falling to his lap.

"You seriously believe that Jungkook can make Yoongi happy and treat him right? Tae, come on. Neither of us raised you to be that naive. Jungkook was a complete asshole to Yoongi, and he was extremely judgmental. You think people like that can just go and change themselves and their mentality that quickly and suddenly date someone they originally thought was nothing more than a cold hearted bastard? It's a load of shit and a complete act. I don't buy it for a single second." Jin scoffs in frustration.

"Hyung, I really do think you've got it all wrong and I think you owe Jungkook an apology. I was at the bookstore with Yoongi hyung when Jungkook came bursting in. I watched him latch himself onto Yoongi, sobbing because you didn't believe him and wanted him to stay away from Yoongi. Some people do change, Jin, they just need the right wakeup call. He was nothing like he was the last time he came here. That night he came here, he never would've gone anywhere near me or Tae or Yoongi. And Yoongi wouldn't have let him come near him. Jungkook would've not even so much as thought of making any sort of physical contact.

"And yet, I watched him hold Yoongi with a near death grip, sobbing in public and saying how much it hurt that you didn't believe him and that you wanted him to stay away from Yoongi. Saying how he knew he didn't deserve Yoongi but he still wanted him and didn't want to have to leave him. And Yoongi took it all, looked more than worried when he saw the state the younger was in, held him as tightly and gently as he could, telling Jungkook that he didn't want him to leave him even if you couldn't get your head out of your ass.

"I really think you need to reconsider."

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