Chapter 15

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Jungkook POV

The next however long passes by quickly as I help Yoongi with the shelves that he'd already had splayed out when I got here, and I can't help but smile when all four of them are finished.

"Help me move them? I promise you can leave after that, it's just that I need these more up front." Yoongi asks as he looks over at me from the other end of the bookcase we've just finished. I smile at this, nodding happily.

The light colored wooden bookcases are somewhat heavy as we move them to the front of the store, placing them down in somewhat of random places. Yoongi's wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead when we get the last one moved, and he looks a bit tired. There's a fond look in his eyes though as he glances around at the four cases though, making me somewhat curious.

"Is there anything else I can help you with, hyung?" I ask lightly, a small smile still on my lips as I look over to him. He surprisingly gives me a small smile, shaking his head.

"You've done enough for tonight, Jungkook. It's getting late and you have classes tomorrow. Go ahead home." Yoongi responds, walking around the case and running his hand along it before he's disappearing towards the back once more. I frown at this though, hurrying to follow him to the back as well.

"I can stay and help some more if you'd like, hyung? It's not like I've got super early classes tomorrow." I argue gently, watching as he cuts open more taped boxes. He shakes his head though, and I can't help but let my eyes wander his body just a little with his back being turned towards me. He's clearly somewhat built, arm muscles strained a bit as he carefully tips the box on its side before pulling more slats of wood out. He's thin as well, but I have no doubts he's toned under his shirt just as much.

"Jungkook, you don't need to do anything more. Go home and rest up. You'll be sore tomorrow after having helped with the cases." Yoongi says, not even looking back at me. I frown at this, taking a proper look around the back of the shop to find a surprising number of boxes still left unopened.

"How much more are you wanting to get done tonight?" I ask softly, walking around to take a better look at the boxes.

"I don't know, Jungkook. Just go home already. Okay? I've got it handled. It's not like it'll all get done tonight. I need sleep at some point too. I just want to get some more done." Yoongi responds, tone a little colder this time. I frown lightly at this, feeling unsure of what to do.

I don't want to upset the elder, but I kind of thought my helping him could be accompanied by us getting to know each other a little bit at least. Plus, I feel bad leaving him when he clearly wants to get more work done yet tonight. I can't say I particularly dislike the company either.

Taking a deep breath, I move over to his side and sit down beside him quietly. He glances over at me, an eyebrow quirked before he's returning his attention to the pile of boards and other miscellaneous things in front of him.

"Go home, Jungkook. It's late." Yoongi mutters quietly once more, beginning to work on the new box of shelving.

"Exactly. You should be going home and getting sleep too. Let me help until you're ready to leave. We can get more done if we're working together." I respond softly, before biting my bottom lip lightly out of nervousness.

"Jungkook, go home. I'm not arguing with you right now. I have a fuck ton of work to do and you need sleep." Yoongi says with a sigh, tone much softer this time as he looks over at me. I frown at little at the defeat, wishing he would've given in.

"I can come back tomorrow and help, if you'd like?" I offer quietly, not particularly wanting to leave just quite yet for some reason. His lips curve up to form the smallest of smiles as he shakes his head.

"You have homework to focus on and friends to spend time with." He responds gently. I frown once more, growing mildly frustrated with him.

"Why do you suddenly not want my help anymore?" I question, not being able to help myself. He frowns at this, surprising me when he reaches out and brushes my hair back from my eyes a bit.

"Why're you so suddenly determined to help me, Jungkook?" Yoongi counters, clear confusion in his eyes as they flicker between my own.

"I treated you really poorly, hyung. I-I wanna make it up to you. I want to change. And, if there's anyone that should see that over everyone, it's you. I wanna do better. A-and I'd like to be your friend, if I could."

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