Chapter Hundred and Sixteen

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"So... Back to the Future's a bunch of Bullshit?"

"I feel so lied to"

Jumping back through my portal the next day I toss the weird crimpled tubbing Tony needed me to pick up from his contact in Greece directly at his feet

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Jumping back through my portal the next day I toss the weird crimpled tubbing Tony needed me to pick up from his contact in Greece directly at his feet. Pulling off his glasses Tony skeptically glances between the item on the floor and me a couple times before asking "What's up with the dirt?"

Glancing over my now destroyed white v-neck and light wash jeans I sourly inform Tony "You're contact refused to give me the tubbing."

"Then how is it at my feet now?" Tony cautiously questions me, gathering the long item and hauling it over his shoulder.

"Because I stole it instead", I comment following Tony towards the garage, nudging his shoulder I point out "Perhaps don't ask them for another favor until things cool down. I used some colourful language I'd rather not repeat."

"You know", Tony begins as we turn a corner "It's a wonder I still let you around Morgan."

Smirking I hold open and peg the glass door for Tony to pull the long tubbing through. We stalk towards the large time machine they've been working on which sits in the center of the room. The large metal structure resembles a bulky platform of sorts. Just looking at it I can't understand all of what's going on yet from what Tony tells me in a couple of hours it should be complete. Stalking up to Thor who's stumbling around with a beer in his hands, Tony comments "Drifting left. On the side there Lebowski." Chuckling at the way Thor clumsily glances around to find us, I tip my figuritive hat to him as Tony calls out "Ratchet! How's it going?"

Poking his furry head out from under the platform, Rocket corrects "It's Rocket." Waving his spanner around, Rocket smugly points out "Take it easy. You're only a genius on Earth pal."

Snickering at the way Tony ducks his head back I nudge him slyly "You just got insulted by a talking raccoon." Ignoring the shove Tony gives me followed by the grotesque burp Thor releases, I duck out of the garage and head over to the lab where Bruce and Nebula are working on configuring the time travel suits. We're aiming for a test run today since the Quantum Tunnel Rocket and Tony are working on is almost complete. However as I reach the smaller lab I skip to a stop beside Rhodey "What are we calling this? Time Travel Chic?"

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