Chapter Forty Three

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"I'm an Avenger

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"I'm an Avenger."

"Steve you know that quality called patience? Exercise it

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"Steve you know that quality called patience? Exercise it."

"Adeline you need to be here in five minutes or they are calling this entire thing off", Steve sharply chastises me as I apply a light layer of eyeshadow to my lids. Checking out my outfit in the Capitol Hill bathrooms, I flick my hair out as Steve once again frustratedly repeats himself "Where. Are. You?"

"Closer than you think", I cryptically inform Steve "I've just decided to make an entrance."

As Steve groans irritability at my plan, I vagally hear Tony in the background question "Did she just say an entrance?"

"She learned this behaviour from you", Steve snaps before turning his focus back to me "Adeline I swear-"

Hanging up I don't give Steve the chance to finish as I quickly fill in my eyebrows. I decided last night that if I go down I'm going to look fantastic doing it in true Adeline Collins form. I refuse to let any of these senators think they have the upper hand and see just how scared I actually am. Today's do or die. Either I'm exonerated and become a free woman or they lock me up for what might be the rest of my life. Then again they might arrest me as soon as I step through those conference doors. Either way, I'm going down a hundred percent me.

Tugging my arms into my black leather jacket I leave it unzipped to display my black singlet, ripped black denim jeans clinging to my legs. Cloaked and with a spring in my step I head out of the bathroom, boots clicking against the dark hardwood floors. Following the directions to my allocated conference room, I don't uncloak myself until I've reached the two large double doors, bringing myself to a stop. Dropping the energy that has me cloaked, I take a couple of deep breathes before washing the anxiety from my expression.

Keeping my emotions under control, I place my hands on either door and give it a harsh shove open. With the doors banging either side against the wall the attention of the press and paparazzi falls on me. Strutting down towards the huge bench of senators, I plaster a self-satisfied smirk on my expression as cameras begin to go off like crazy. Breezing past the press as they shout questions over their camera's my gaze remains smugly on the senators until I pass by five familiar faces; Clint, Natasha, Steve, Tony, and Bruce all stood behind where I would sit.

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