Chapter Five

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"I can't make a shield that big- Even if I could I can't tell you I would be able to freakin hold it!"

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"I can't make a shield that big- Even if I could I can't tell you I would be able to freakin hold it!"

"Hopefully it won't come to that"

After a few moments of dodging through corridors and smiling towards SHEILD agents like we aren't suspiciously snooping Steve and I finally come across a large metal door labeled 'Secure Storage 10-C'

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After a few moments of dodging through corridors and smiling towards SHEILD agents like we aren't suspiciously snooping Steve and I finally come across a large metal door labeled 'Secure Storage 10-C'. With a suggestive nod to Steve, I stand aside to allow the super soldier to yank the fortified door open. Following him inside I watch as automatic lights overhead flicker on to reveal two tiers of black crates spanning what appears to be a thirty-metre distance.

"Still think SHEILD isn't hiding anything?" I question eerily as the pair of us stalk slowly between the rows of unmarked pallets.

"The only question is", Steve begins placing his hands over one crate as he peers curiously over to me "What did they decide was worth hiding?" Not waiting for me to respond I stand beside Steve as he lifts the lid on one of the crates, inside arrays of guns.

Not black, normal assault rifles or handguns; no. This design looks almost otherworldly. They have a sleek silver shell which reflects the fluorescent ceiling lights with something inside which glows blue. Picking one up carefully I lean closer to the weapon noticing an inscription engraved onto the side, "HYDRA." Steve visibly tenses at the word which leads me to wonder, "Mean anything to you?"

"You have no idea Adeline", Steve murmurs as he grazes his gloved hand over the weapon I hold. After a silent moment, I continue to cautiously watch Steve as he gathers his thoughts, "HYDRA is a radical terror group who I came across when I fought in the Second World War. They're a force who'd infiltrated the highest ranks of society; politics, business's, aristocracies across a magnitude of civilizations", Steve explains carefully to me. For a second when Steve remains quiet I almost believe his mind had transported him back to his time in the war. "Many in HYDRA aligned themselves with the German's during the war under a division they called 'Deep Science'. They'd been charged with creating super-weapons that would lead German Nazi's to win the war. A man, Johan Schmidt, had been in fact working on the Tesseract to unlock its secrets..."

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