Chapter Fifty Eight

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"I love you from the bottom of my heart but I don't trust your cooking

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"I love you from the bottom of my heart but I don't trust your cooking."

"I've gotten better! I promise!"

Stepping out of the portal my feet thud heavy against the worn down hardwood floor

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Stepping out of the portal my feet thud heavy against the worn down hardwood floor. Allowing the portal to shut behind me I close my eyes for a second. Shoving down the queasiness climbing my throat. My body is only just getting the hang of this portalling. There is no way I'm breaking my no vomit streak now. I've been on a roll-


Spinning on my heel I squint through the dark. Noticing Bucky rolled up tightly in bed sheets. Padding over to the bathroom I switch on the light out of nervous habit. The dim glow illuminating the apartment. Gazing over to the thin mattress I feel a smile curling into my features. Under the covers I notice Bucky carefully leaning up. "Sorry," I meekly apologise in the dim light "Forgot there was a time difference."

I barely catch the covers move before I'm swept up and off my feet. My body hugged so tightly against his I can barely breathe. But I take it. I'd never breathe again if it meant staying wrapped in his arms. "I don't care", Bucky murmurs into the crook of my neck "You're alive and okay."

Scrunching my eyes to suppress the painful groan when my bruises light up in pain, I mutter "Told you I'd be safe."

"Yeah. On a city that floated out of the damn ground."

Laughing into Bucky's shoulder, I bite down on my grin "Wasn't really counting on that happening."

Leaning away I become fixated on his deep blue eyes as they bore brightly into mine. Lit up with absolute delight. It's then that I realise how much I missed Bucky. Over the past months, whether I was aware of it or not, I've grown attached to Bucky. Throwing myself into any fight the thought of him nags at the back of my mind. Knowing I have to get home to him like he's the oxygen I need to breathe. In some mad twist of fate, I rely on Bucky as much as he relies on me. He's embedded himself so deeply in my heart I don't think it's mine to keep anymore.

"Earth to Adeline." The cool metal of his thumb brushing over my cheekbone is what brings me back to the moment. Smirk dancing on Bucky's lips as my gaze searches his. Drowning in those deep blue eyes staring at me curiously "Where'd you just go?"

"I love you." Biting my lip I'm internally cursing when his blue eyes widen a fraction. I've freaked him out. Oh- I pushed it too far. He's gonna retreat. For a second my lips move around making shapes. Trying to grasp at words which seem just out of my reach. "I don't want to leave when I'm with you. I'd rather let the word burn so long as I can stay right here. When I'm gone you're all I think about. You're the only place I wanna be." Trailing my hand down from his metal shoulder I rest my warm palm over Bucky's heart. Felling it beat steadily against my hand almost as fast as mine. "You're my home Bucky. I love y-"

My aimless justifications are broken by Bucky bringing his lips quickly down on mine. Goosebumps rising along my arms I snake my arms around his neck not wanting to let him go. "I've made a home in you too", Bucky breaks the kiss. His thumb moving affectionately over my cheek, I feel my knees go weak when Bucky softly says "Been a long time since anyone's loved me. Longer since I've had anyone to love."

Beaming up to Bucky, my hands lace together around the nape if his neck, "You love me?"

Cradling my cheeks in his hands, Bucky grins "I love you."

The moment his lips lock with mine again I wonder if perhaps this is what my life has led to. All of the pain, the running, the fighting; it all has led me to Bucky. To love. Something I never thought I would get a second chance at in my lifetime. My fingers trailing down his sharp jawline I graze the stubble growing on his cheeks. Make a silent promise to never let this go.


"I love you from the bottom of my heart", I assure Bucky who is now pouting from behind the stove "But I don't trust your cooking."

"I've gotten better!" Bucky tries to defend himself but he only ends up laughing with the desperate shout of "I promise!"

"Out!" I gesture to him with the knife. My own stern expression faltering when I see Bucky grinning. Suddenly Bucky launches for the knife. Grab my wrist he twists it enough my grip loosens. Snatching the knife before gesturing with it to me with a lazy grip. Jaw dropped, I raise my eyebrows towards him "Is this how you're seriously going to play it?"

Bucky's grin not faltering once I notice a playful spark to his blue eyes "If I'm not mistaken I gave you that." Reaching out with his free hand Bucky pulls up my shirt far enough to reveal the scar he'd sliced across my torso.

With a sly smirk, I smack his hand away, gripping the metal wrist which holds the knife I hoist my leg up and swing myself around it. The knife squeezed from his hard metal grip I seize control of it. Whipping it around to Bucky's throat as his metal arm continues to support me in the air. Accomplished, I allow my sly smile to remain "If we're remembering things... recall how I gave you this?" With my free hand clutching Bucky's metal grip to keep me steady, I move the sharp tip to lower the neckline of Bucky's blue shirt. Exposing the gash I'd given him to match.

Despite the knife near his chest, Bucky's grin never once wavers "I missed you."

"And I have so many questions."

Both of us freeze at the small voice which reverberates through the room. Almost in perfect sync, Bucky and I tilt out gazes from each other to the door. Spinning the knife away from Bucky he's quick to drop me down with a smooth thud. "When did you get a key?" I question Stephanie, placing the knife back into the block and giving the pasta sauce a stir.

Shrugging, Stephanie strolls further into the apartment "Since Bucky gave me one." Raising my eyebrow my gaze flickers over to Bucky who's now not at all being subtle about avoiding my gaze. Noticing this, Stephanie holds her hands out "It was for emergencies only."

"There's an emergency?" I question her, my mind immediately shifting into overdrive.

"No", Stephanie shrugs dropping beside Bucky on the brown leather sofa "I just wanted some company."

Allowing the stress to leave my body, I grab out an extra white bowl "Does this mean I'm making for three now?"

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