Chapter Ninety

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"Do you just ignore phone calls now? After I hunted you down to apolo-"

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"Do you just ignore phone calls now? After I hunted you down to apolo-"

"I was a little preoccupied- Sakaar and Asgard don't exactly have cell towers. Although on a more positive note- guess who I found in another galaxy!"

Staggering from my portal I barely stand at the base of the mahogany stairs within the sanctum before I've collapsed to my knees

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Staggering from my portal I barely stand at the base of the mahogany stairs within the sanctum before I've collapsed to my knees. The portal curling upon itself behind me, I yell weakly through the hallow halls "Strange! Wong!" My vision dizzy from exertion, I rest my head against the cool hardwood floors in a feeble attempt to regain my baring's.

"Miss Collins?" I hear Strange's voice worridly echoing off the walls. Peering up I watch the pair jogging down the stairs, Strange looking... well... strangely mundane in his jeans and t-shirt.

"Do you have a protein bar?" I heave out, pinching the bridge of my nose to fight the room from spinning "Right now it feels like a party of Strange's and Wong's that I've gate crashed."

I hear the sizzling of Strange's portals before Strange kneels before me. His worried gaze on me in my state, Strange asks "Miss Collins what happened?"

"Seems you don't quite see all like you said you do if me being here is a surprise" I remark, tearing the bars wrapper right down the centre. Quickly biting a cheek filling chunk from the protein bar, I breath "I think Thanos has an Infinity Stone."

Watching Strange's gaze widen, he spares a concerned look to Wong before rapidly firing at me "How do you know of the stones?"

"The Tesseract", I recognise through a mouthful of the oaty bar "It's an Infinity Stone... isn't it?"

Strange watches me for a long moment, his eyebrows pinched as I search for answers. Slowly, Strange gives a small nod "A housing unit for one. The Space Stone." Helping me to my feet, Strange curiously wonders "How did you figure it out?"

"I put two and two together" I shrug towards Strange, feeling the energy beginning to return to my bones. Glancing between Wong and Strange, I stress "Earth is in danger. We need to find Vis-" Suddenly there is a loud boom through the Sanctum, a huge mass shooting over our heads and crashing through the mahogany stairs. Furrowing my eyebrows I run over with Strange and Wong, Strange's red cap flying over his shoulders. Wong creates two large orange mystical discs of a sort as we peer into the gorge left in its wake. Noting the green mass I breath out "Bruce?"

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