Chapter Eight

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"If you ever need a hand just ask the millennial

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"If you ever need a hand just ask the millennial. You should add that to your list of things to google. Perhaps add google too."

"Consider it on the list."

The fighting has yet to lighten up

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The fighting has yet to lighten up. The Chitauri continues to come in heavy unfaltering waves. No matter how many we kill they just seeming to keep coming at us. My exhaustion is beginning to slow me down as I become lazier with my attacks, less fluid. Slammed into a cab by one of the Chitauri I ditch a shield up, smacking him away into a building. Leaning against the hood I hear Thor taunt us, "You both ready for another bout?"

"What?", Steve asks rhetorically as I shove myself back to stand tall "You getting sleepy?"

Unashamed I raise my hand, stumbling over a loose piece of rubble "I am." When Thor and Steve turn to me I motion to the swirling black portal above New York "I rob governments. Usually I'd draw the line at inter-dimensional aliens who want to enslave mankind."

Holding his side when Thor turns away, Steve mutters "That's the most normal thing I've heard in two days."

Suddenly Natasha's voice rings clear through my coms, "I can close it! Can anyone hear me? I can shut the portal down!"

Without hesitation Steve orders, "Do it!"

"No! Wait!"

Confused I snap, "These things aren't slowing Tony!"

"I got a nuke coming in! It's going to blow in less than a minute!" Tony frantically defends himself over the coms "And I know just where to put it."

Eyes wide, I turn to Steve, "Did he just say nuke?!"

"Stark", Steve warns after sending me an affirmative nod "You know that is a one-way trip?"

Hearing his thrusters ring through the city I watch in horror as Tony aims the nuke towards the portal. He guides it carefully over skyscrapers before carrying it along the blue light of the tesseracts portal. Just as I watch in horror as Tony fly's the nuke straight through the portal the bloodcurdling screech of Chitauri soldiers fills the street around me once again.

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