Chapter Hundred and Twelve

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"Auntie Addie is dad mad at you?"

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"Auntie Addie is dad mad at you?"

"Your dad's always mad at me."

My grip latching tightly around Scott's wrist I yank him backward through my portal with barely a second for him to scream in fright

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My grip latching tightly around Scott's wrist I yank him backward through my portal with barely a second for him to scream in fright. My boots thudding back on the mahogany floorboards I let go as soon as Scott stumbles gracelessly behind me. Groaning Scott slowly drops to his knees, dry heaving onto the floor "That's not normal." Slowly shaking his head to regain his surroundings, Scott dry reaches "Nope. Not normal. Still hate it."

"Your body's adjusting again", I remind Scott, my eyes still looking over the man shocked that he's alive "It'll go away in a second."

His face scrunched, Scott stands a little straighter and nods towards me intriguingly "I never asked a few years ago but is that like a brain thing or-"

"Scott", Steve redirects his attention, his arms folding across his chest when he questions "Don't take this the wrong way... but where have you been?"

Snapping his fingers out, Scott assures Steve "I can explain that."

Five minutes later and we're still waiting. Having gotten over my initial shock I can't help but stare warily at him as Scott paces erratically back and forth in the space before us. Clearly, something is gnawing at him because all he does is mutter incoherently to himself as if he's trying to rearrange his thoughts or make sense of something in his head. Although as we approach the sixth minute of our curious stand-off I cease observing Scott as a lab rat and turn my gaze over to Steve "Do you think he knows we're watching him?"

Steve responds with a roll of his eyes at my unempathetic comment before worriedly asking "Scott. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine", Scott finally pauses and drags his hands down his face. He seems to struggle for another second before he finally decides to blurt out "Have you guys ever studied Quantum Physics?"

Visibly Steve and I share an uneasy look, both of us knowing neither has ever even tried to understand it. Anytime Bruce and Tony begin rambling about that kind of thing I zone out and only hum to indicate I'm actually listening. Tony got good enough at picking up when he has my attention and when he doesn't but the signs would always just go way over Bruce's head. Natasha, however, coolly answers "Only to make conversation."

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