Chapter Forty Seven

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"Learn it in Russian? And if anything happens-"

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"Learn it in Russian? And if anything happens-"

"I'll be there to stop it"

Sleep is pointless after that ordeal

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Sleep is pointless after that ordeal.

I've just sat in Steve and I's communal loungeroom staring at the wristband Bruce and Tony have created for me. My feet tucked under me to stop them shaking. Mind is swirling around the fact that I just jumped through space- freakin space. Teleported from one location to another.

After hurling on the gym floor Tony and Bruce decided to run some diagnostics on my body. See if the jump affected me in any way. Apparently, my readings are well within the normal perimeters. It's suspected that the result of me throwing up was due to the fact that my human body needs to adjust to the strain the jump places on my body. That was Thor's predication anyways which the rest of us have just kind of gone with. He's the alien around these parts after all.

Then, there is that hole Bucky has left. He use to be with me everyday and now... the silence is loud. We text- which he's finally gotten the hang of- but it's not the same. I want to hear him, touch him, see him. I just, I miss Bucky.

Deciding to not think too much into my bad idea push myself off the sofa. Cycling myself through a shower to wash the grim from me from my day of mopey behaviour. Ensuring I dress warmly in jeans, boots and a thick coat I leave a message on the fridge telling Steve I've headed out to see a friend. It's not like I could tell him I've gone to see Bucky in Bucharest. I've seen Steve mildly irritated and after that I don't have any remote intention of making him furious. I'm somewhat sure I'd be thrown out of the large floor length window quicker than I can say oops.

Stood at the end of my bed I close my eyes. Taking a deep breath. Following how Thor had instructed me I draw in half of the energy I'd consumed this morning making the jump. Once it's buzzing under my skin I hold out my left palm and send it flowing down. Hitting the wrist band the feeling changed to a slimly icky tar. Opening my eyes the dark blue mist flows from my fingertips, swirling into that of a black and blue portal. With only one place in mind, I step confidently through the portal. Making the jump through space and time. Once again shrouded in darkness for only a second I don't get a chance to panic before I'm stepping into the Bucharest apartment I'd led us to weeks ago.

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