Chapter Twenty

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"You are not my target

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"You are not my target. Move."

Glancing back over as we sit at the traffic lights I notice the two cops continuing to stare into the SUV

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Glancing back over as we sit at the traffic lights I notice the two cops continuing to stare into the SUV. Neither bothering to hide it. Quietly , I grind inconspicuously through my teeth "They seem pretty keen on us."

Winding down his driver's window, Fury snaps whilst I sink uncomfortably in the passenger seat "You want to see my lease?"

Flicking on their lights, the cops roll out into the intersection as the lights turn green. "Prejudiced assholes", I mutter as we follow them, leaning to rest my elbow over the centre console "You'd think- FURY LOOK OUT!"

I'm too late. Another cop car comes flying through the intersection. Colliding into the SUV from Fury's side my arms protect my head as the impact smashes into the vehicle. Sending us skidding us to the side the tyre screech until my side crunches against the bollards and we crash into. Groaning painfully from my head colliding against the window the SUV the onslaught continues as the cop car in front of us speeds backward. Another hitting us up in the rear. Dazed, I vaguely hear the car voice, "Rupture detected in Nickolas J Fury. Recommend anesthetic injection."

Whilst Fury fiddles with the needle I glance up to spot two SWAT vans rolling up. Soldiers swiftly unloading from the vehicles in uniform precision. "Weapons?" I anxiously ask Fury who's gesturing to the glove compartment. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I don't waste time yanking it open. Revealing two 9mm glocks with a compartment of extra clips.

"DC metro police dispatch shows no sign of police in this area."

"Perfect," I frustratedly slide in the clips, locking into place with a resounding click "I'm not out an hour and you've already dropped me in the shit. Thanks Director." Glancing out the windshield the anxiety sets in as Fury and I are surrounded by cops and SWAT. All guns loaded towards us in a semicircle formation pinning us down.

"Get us out of here", Fury orders the car, hand up instructing me "Hold your fire, Collins."

Reluctantly do as he commands and follow the order. Flinching in my seat as a spray of bullets fly into the car. My eyes widen as the car informs "Propulsion systems offline."

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