Chapter Forty Four

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"Leaving the professionals to do all the heavy lifting?"

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"Leaving the professionals to do all the heavy lifting?"

"Nope. I'm actually preparing to carry this entire team like usual."

I'm instantly collapsing onto the sofa in Steve and I's shared apartment in Tony's new Avengers Tower- a name which I hate to admit has grown on me slightly

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I'm instantly collapsing onto the sofa in Steve and I's shared apartment in Tony's new Avengers Tower- a name which I hate to admit has grown on me slightly. Dropping weightily beside me, Steve throws his arm carelessly around my shoulder. The first thing we did was go to a bar and celebrate, having a few drinks to commemorate my freedom. "How does it feel to be free?" Steve asks me as we gaze around our quiet shared space.

Humming I rest my head on Steve's comfortable shoulder. "I've been running for over a decade," I gaze fondly over New York City's glowing lights "It feels nice knowing I can stop and not look over my shoulder."

"You deserve it", Steve gives my shoulder a small supportive squeeze "Besides... it hasn't been the same without you around."

A lazy smirk curling onto my features as I peer up to Steve "I might've missed you too gramp's." Peeling myself from the couch I ruffle Steve's hair, laughing when he swats me away "Goodnight roomie!"

Reaching my bedroom I flop carelessly on my bed, sinking into the gold fluffy sheets. With my gaze falling onto the ceiling I can't help but let my thoughts wander to Bucky. By now I would be holed up on the sofa reading with him or Bucky would just be near enough for me to poke fun of him. All I can think about as I stare aimlessly up at the ceiling is the deafening silence which has taken his place. After googling the time difference to find he's seven hours ahead and most likely sleeping I groan, dropping my arm hopelessly onto the covers. Deflated that I don't get to talk with Bucky, I settle for typing a text instead.

Guess who's a free woman? That's right! Looks like I'll be coming back to Romania sooner then we thought -Adeline

Hitting send I'm about to throw myself through a shower when Jarvis's voice speaks through the apartment "Mr Rogers and Miss Collins... Mr Stark requests your presence in his lab."

Swinging open the door I'm met with Steve coming out from his bedroom across from me. Seeing my frazzled expression Steve nods down the hallway "It might be a development in the location of Loki's scepter.

Narrowing my gaze on Steve I trudge after him curiously "I'm sorry. What?" With promises to catch me up in a few minutes, Steve leads the way back to Tony's lab. When the elevator doors open into the lab I find out quickly that Steve and I are the last to arrive. Jogging into the bright white space I throw my arms out "Do not tell me that you're dragging me out on a mission right now."

"You did claim to be an Avenger in front of the entire world", Natasha fires back coming up on my other side with a sleepy looking Bruce. Without an intelligent response to give, I settle for tuning my voice to a higher frequency and mimicking Natasha's phrase. Unimpressed Natasha shakes her head but the coy smirk doesn't go unnoticed.

"I did have high hopes I would see you again Lady Adeline Collins of Midgard."

Spinning on my heel I fondly shake my head at Thor. A wide grin spreading across my face at the Norse God. "You did call it", I point out as I embrace him in a tight hug.

Suddenly I'm lifted off the floor with only one of Thor's arms around me, my squeals bouncing around the space. "It's good to see you old friend!" Thor's voice booms madly as I'm spun around "I was told you were in trouble?"

"You know me", I shrug straightening out my leather jacket "I can't seem to shake it but I'm here now."

"Then you can join our latest mission", Tony interrupts my conversation with Thor.

Tapping away on his tablet Tony grabs whatever he had been looking at on the screen before throwing it out into the middle of our group. Recognition washing over my I identify "Loki's scepter?"

"Correct Sparkles. Gold star to you", Tony snaps his fingers in my direction which only makes me roll my eyes.

"It was stolen from SHIELD when the intelligence agency fell- Thank you for that by the way", Clint tightly crosses his arms over his chest. Grunting when he patronisingly smacks my back. "HYDRA has gotten their hands on it. We just don't know where they're keeping it hidden."

"So what've you guys been doing?" I ask around curiously, arching my brow "Knocking on doors and hoping the culprit steps right up?"

"Well with you on the run we didn't have the opportunity to have anyone snoop around and locate it", Steve brings up from my other side. With a nod towards Loki's scepter, Steve explains "We've been hitting HYDRA bases with Thor and hoping it shows up."

"Like a tiny needle in a huge haystack", I catch Bruce tiredly mumble from across the room.

Smirking at the remark, Tony finally finds it in him to speak up "Thor found us a HYDRA base in Sokovia he believes might be holding the scepter."

"Stark is correct", Thor agrees boisterously "We must leave at once."

"As long as I get a nap on the trip over you will get no complaints from me", I mention to everyone as we all shift into gear.

"Why?", Clint stalks up on my other side as we pair off in the direction of the elevator. A coy smirk on his expression Clint taunts "Leaving the professionals to do all the heavy lifting?"

Scoffing I pad into the elevator with Clint "Nope. I'm actually preparing to carry this entire team like usual."

"Is this that Tesseract power talking?" Clint questions me with a sly smirk "Or personality?"

Stepping out of the elevator on my floor, I twirl around with a lazy smirk "Personality." When Clint shakes his head laughing I point out "Don't act like you didn't miss it."

As I head back to my room in search of my phone, Clint calls out behind me "Hey Addie!" Spinning on my heel again I tilt my head curiously back at Clint who's smirk remains, instructing me "Suit up."

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