
864 19 10

I watched as Naruto's power diminished a bit. He's struggling. And now with the obito's and Madara's link to the ten tails severed it was doing what it wanted.

My eyes widened as the two Uchiha aimed fire attack last at us. I jumped in front of Naruto who was about to protect us and placed my hands to the ground creating an ice wall. I struggled to hold the attack back but managed barley.

"Naruto don't worry too much about protecting us. I'll give a helping hand." I said to him.

More attacks were flung at us. I was about to try and stop them but Naruto used his chakra in all of us to stop them. I turned to see him greatly weakening.

I then turned to where the enemies were to see Obito gone. I looked around frantically I let to see him above Naruto. I push Naruto away gaining a gash across my shoulder.

I formed an ice blade and went to strike Obito but he jumped away. Obito was also noticing Naruto's weakening state. We all attacked only for obito to dodged.

"If the pain of your comrades deaths is apart of your bond why bother protecting them." Obito asked.

This of course pissed Naruto off. I smiled at his speech.

"Here this is you, idiot.  Naruto isn't the type to give up. Let's just say I use to hate his guts because he wasn't the nicest person to me when we were young. But he made up for his stupid mistakes by showing me his strong will to protect others. So if you plan on killing him you'll have to get through me first. And let's just say I have a small grudge against you." I said stepping in front of Naruto.

Obito seemed conflicted. My attention turned to the ten tails who was breaking the jutsu confining him. He broke free and Naruto seemed worried.

"Naruto what's happening?" I asked.

"He's going to preform a cataclysm." Naruto said.

My eyes widened.

"Get everyone moving." I said.

I stood in front of the ten tails with my hands together. I closed my eyes taking deep breathing. Cold air surrounded us. My eyes became colder than usual. I heard running. Naruto was hesitating. I simply smile to myself.  He always protect us. It time for me to become the protector.

"For my friends may my power have the ability to protect," I mumbled.

My eyes shot opens as ice wears around. Many layers came but were shattered. Naruto stopped and I felt the chakra only strength. He wasn't giving up.

I changed my jutsu forming ice barriers around everyone. The attack soon finished and I was on the ground panting and bleeding with the nine tails chakra gone. I looked at Naruto to see him completely worn out.

We all stood by Naruto as his chakra in them faded. Sakura healed him as the rest of us stood to fight.

"Sora," Shikamaru said.

"I know. I have some strength left. I can-" I began but stopped sending something.

I smiled sensing a familiar chakra. So they were reincarnated. It seems sabatori sensei is in his way.

Protector (sequel to lost)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant