they burnt down my apartment

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We were walking up to the main village gates and I felt myself getting excited. I walked but when I was about to enter the village I froze. My breath got caught in my throat and I played with the hem of my dress. What if they forgot me? I can't do this. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see my sensei looking down at me with a smile.

"don't worry, how could anyone forget someone as unforgettable as you." He said kindly.

I gave him a warm smile and continued walking. As I walked in I saw my two teammates talking to the guards.

"so, she hasn't come back yet?" Shenshi said and she sounded pissed.

"no, not to our knowledge." One of the guards spoke.

"you've got to be fucking kidding me, you two are no help." She snapped at the guards.

"it's not their fault they don't know Shenshi." The peace maker Aisura said.

I started laughing watching the two.

"oh, you two haven't changed at all. Still two idiotic people who I can't help but love." I said through laughs.

They both froze and slowing turned to look at me. Their faces went from shock to joy in a matter of seconds. Before I knew it, I was on the ground in a bone crushing hug.

"we missed you so much." They both said.

"I missed you two idiots as well." I said hugging them back.

"this is cute and all but we have to go see the hokage." My sensei said and it looked like my teammates paled.

I stood up and started walking to the hokage's office my two-teammate following behind me. We walked and my two teammates stayed eerily quiet.

"so, what rank are you two now?" I asked.

"we're both chunin now." Aisura answered.

I nodded and gave them a warm smile and they smiled back. We soon made it to the hokage's office and knocked and entered when told to.

"Oh, you're back Sora, that's good. Your two friends here came to me every day saying if I knew anything about your return." The hokage said and I stifled a laugh.

"It's good to be back lady hokage." I said trying to hold back my laughs. "if I may request can I return to my apartment to unpack?" I asked.

"so those two still haven't told you." The hokage said pointing to my teammates. They slowly inched away.

"told me what?" I asked lowly.

"they burnt down your apartment multiple times, and we decided not to rebuild it until you returned so they couldn't burn it down for what would have been a 10th time." She explained.

I stayed quite processing the information. I saw my friends inching towards the office door. Soon rage filled me and I looked at my friends scaring the crap out of them. My eyes narrowed as I watched them. Some would think it resembles the scene of a predator stalking its prey. They let out a quiet whimper. I took a deep breath calming myself and looked more calmly at them.

"I knew you two were idiots but really? You burnt down my apartment. Where am I supposed to stay while it's being rebuilt?" I said slight aggression in my voice.

"stay with Shikamaru." They said.

"may I please leave lady hokage?" I asked stress evident in my voice.

"yes, you can." She said.

I left her office and began walking with my bag in hand to the Nara's house. I wonder how the Stupid Nara is doing?

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