Out if the hospital

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I heard beeping and I soon figured out it was a heart monitor. I sat up opening my eyes to see I was in a hospital. I ripped the needle out of my arm and stood up going to the door however it opened to reveal Sakura.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?" Sakura asked.

"Fine. Can I please leave the hospital?" I asked.

"You can leave once we make sure you're okay. You have a check up soon." Sakura said leaving my room.

I sat back down on the bed a gripped my head as I got a headache. I looked up when I heard footsteps coming into my room. I small smile came to my face as I saw Shikamaru and Ena walk into my room. I stood up and Shikamaru walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"How you feeling you troublesome woman?" Shikamaru asked.

"I'm fine. How have you been Ena?" I said.

"I've been good. While you were here Shikamaru took me to his place and he taught me how to play shoji." Ena said happily.

"That's good. Thank you Shikamaru." I said with a small smile.

"It was a drag." He sighed sitting next to me.

I grabbed his hand and our fingers interlock. I leaned onto his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"You're a troublesome woman. Do you realise how worried you made everyone." Shikamaru said.

"Well I'm sorry. I'll try and refrain from getting kidnapped again." I said with a smile.

I heard Shikamaru chuckle. I looked at Ena to see her smiling widely. I looked at her confused.

"I ship it." She said smiling.

A small laugh escaped my mouth. Sakura walked in and made the others leave. She gave me a check up and smiled when we were finished.

"You'll all good." Sakura said.

I nodded and left the hospital going to the hokages office to give her information on Orochimaru. When I got there I informed her of everything. The location of the base the strength of the guards about Ena and she also asked what happened to me so I reluctantly answered. She nodded and then I was dismissed.

I began to walk to the Nara's house considering that's where Ena was. I walked into the Nara's compound and as I was walking to Shikamaru's house the fawn that usually comes to see me once again walked up to me. It rubbed its noes against my hand. I stroked the fawn with a small smile before going to the the front door of Shikamaru's house.

Shikaku opened the door and smiled when he saw me. I walked in and Ena came running to me and gave me a hug. I smiled and looked to where she ran from to see Shikamaru sitting at the shoji board outside looking at us. I smiled at him and Ena went back to playing shoji with Shikamaru.

"She's going to become addicted to playing shoji." I sighed sitting next to her.

I watched her play and I saw Shikamaru going easy oh her which made me smile. I quickly made I move for her making Shikamaru sigh and quickly ruined my moved making me groan.

"Stupid Nara." I mumbled.

"Troublesome woman." Shikamaru sighed.

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