I guess i have changed

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My sensei and I were walking side by side about a half a day's walk from the leaf. I could still tell my sensei was distressed but I decided it best not to bring it up, and let him bring it up if he wanted. I outstretched my hand and focused my chakra and small ice crystals began to float above my hand. I heard laughing and I looked up at my sensei.

"what?" I asked.

"you're getting quite good at using your kekkei genkai aren't you?" he said a slight laugh in his voice.

"well I was taught by you, and you taught my brother so you're experienced in training Hisha's." I said and my voice got slightly sad mentioning my brother.

"Yes, but your brother did not develop the kekkei genkai, you learning it so well came from you." He said pointing to me.

A small smile graced my face and I looked down deep in thought. Then I felt a hand on my head and it ruffle my hair. I groaned and swatted my sensei's hand away. He laughed and I grumbled inaudible insults at him and my head was hit.

"I heard you swear." He said and I growled at him.

I sighed and took off the locket around my neck. I opened it to see the picture of my team with Sarutobi sensei and I and the other one of Shikamaru and I. a small smile graced my face.

"I can't wait to see those idiots," I whispered.

"of course, you can't wait to see them two of them are your first friends ever and the other is your boyfriend. Honestly, I surprised you didn't sneak away from the snow while I was asleep to see them." My sensei commented.

"well I did think of it but I knew would catch me and put me through a hell worse than you've already put me through so I decided against it for my own sanity," I said laughing.

"smart choice." He said laughing.

I laughed at him and then he laughed as well.

"you sure have changed since I first met you." Sensei said out of the blue.

"how so?' I asked confused.

"you've gotten happier and show your emotions. When I first met you, your self-inflicted scars were fresh and now there basically gone, that in its self-shows how've you've changed." He explained.

I went deep into thought and subconsciously touched my wrists. He's right those scars are basically gone, and I don't get nightmares as often and I've become happier, I guess going to the snow with him was the best thing even if I do miss my friends. I've become a better person and I can honestly say I'm happy.

But how long this happiness last is unknow, all I know is I'll enjoy this happiness while I have it.

Protector (sequel to lost)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora