The loss of a friend

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I raised my hand to the chain around my neck and forced my chakra into it freezing it. And then I shattered it just getting away from the sickle. He turned to me and growled. I just smirked and pulled the kunai out of my thigh causing blood to spill everywhere. I dipped my hand in my blood and quickly dodged the boys attack. When I stopped I slammed my hand with my blood on it to the ground. I castes my summoning jutsu bring forth a lynx.

"You haven't summoned me in awhile." She said.

"Yea well I'll explain later just help me with this. But don't kill him." I spoke to her.

"Yea yea whatever." She spoke.

"Yuki I'm being serious." I said in a warning tone.

"Jeez okay I won't kill him." She said annoyed.

I just sighed at her and brought my hand to my face. I quickly jumped away when I felt the boy running at me. He was now using kunai, probably because I froze and shatters the chain on his weapon.

Yuki jumped at the boy but he dodged it with skill. Yuki jumped at him again but once he dodged he slipped due to the ice I made on the ground. He growled but quickly stood back up. He came running at me but Yuki stopped him and her jumped away. I heard a small groan escape his mouth after multiple ice sebon that I made hit him in some of the weak points that I knew would cause pain.

I felt I body temperature fall and my eyes begin to tingle. Shit I better stop using my ice or my kekkei genkai will activate. And I rather that not happen because it's a pain to get my body temperature back to normal after I use it. I held my two blades and Yuki ran at the boy but he dodged giving me time to get behind him and slash at his side. He groaned and quickly got away from me. But in doing that Yuki got a clear shot on him and clawed his chest area, and the wounds were rather deep. But thankfully not enough to kill him. He fell to the ground.

"Thank you Yuki. You're dismissed." I spoke.

Yuki gave me a smile and proofed away. I began to walk up to him so I could tie him up and take him back to the leaf. However I felt someone coming at me so I quickly turned around and blocked a katana. I looked up to see the female sound ninja. She held many wounds to the point where I was surprised she could even move.

"Come on, you haven't beaten her and got your ass kick. You're so pathetic." The girl spoke.

Wait what, does that mean she took out Shenshi. No it's not possible it can't be.

"What the fuck did you do to Shenshi!?" I growled.

"You mean that girl I was fighting. I killed her." The girl spoke.

Rage filled me. That's not possible it can't be.

"You're lying!" I said with venom.

"No I'm not. She was really strong though. It was a close fight she nearly killed me." She said with a smile.

I let my chakra flow freely through my body and activated my kekkei genkai.

"What happen to your eyes?" the girl spoke confused.

I forced the girl back and she slammed against a tree. My eyes slightly narrowed and I sent my chakra through the ground. I did multiple hand sighs and the area around us turned to ice the whole ground as well as the trees. Te girl looked shocked and took a stance. She came running at me but before she could move more than two steps a pillar of ice attacked her. She narrowly dodged it but it still cut her arm.

"You better be happy I can't kill you." I growled in a cold tone.

"Bring it bitch!" She spoke.

She ran towards me again but once again I made an ice pillar shoot towards her. Soon she was on the blood covered, icy ground. I walked up to her and tied her up. I then turned around to go tie the boy up. But when I got close to him Kabuto appeared and helped the boy up.

"Sorry to ruin your hard work Sora. But I can't let you get this boy. Oh and I suggest you go check on your teammate." He spoke before disappearing.

I growled and quickly in cases the girl in ice so there was no chance in her escaping. After I got away from her I rushed to find Shenshi. I finally found her and I collapsed to te ground when I saw the scene. I was beside her and tears began to run down my face. I clasped he cold hand in my own hand and placed my head against her chest.

"Please, please let this be a dream." I begged through my sobs.

I looked at her cold dead eyes and closed them. I once again placed my head on her chest and cried. I was crying so loudly I didn't even notice Aisura walk up behind me. I saw him fall next to me and put his hand to her face.

"She can't be." I heard him mumble. "I can fix this. I can heal her." He said desperately.

By now my head was up and I watched with tear filled eyes as Aisura hands were engulfed by green chakra and he desperately tried to heal Shenshi. I watched as tears spilled from his eyes.

"NO! Yo made a promise Shenshi. You promised you would never leave like our sensei. You promised you would always stay by our side. My side. You promised we would grow old and have a happy family. You can't leave!" Aisura cried out.

Pain welled up in me and I looked back at Shenshi. I heard Aisura scream. I balled my hands up in fist and punched the ground. I placed my hand on Aisura's shoulder and he looked at me. I met his gaze and I pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and cried into my shoulder. Why? Why did she have to die. Why does everyone I care for die!?

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