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I've been with Orochimaru for I have no idea how long. I was broken but I haven't given up on escaping. I will escape and return to the ones I care for. I just need them to give me a lower dose of the injection they give me so I can't move or use my chakra. Because fortunately I'm growing immune to it so they now have to give me a higher dosage. But kabuto wouldn't make a mistake like that. As I was thinking about my plan am unknown man walked in holding a syringe.

"I'm the guy who's dealing with you today. Kabuto nor Orochimaru could come so there's going to be no experiments for today, but I'm still going to make you feel pain like nothing before." He said.

He walked up to me and stabbed the syringe into my neck and injecting the liquid into me. I could tell immediately he didn't give me the right dosage he gave me the standard amount. The idiot.

He walked out of my cell to get whatever he wanted for this session of pain. He was gone for awhile and I felt my body regain movement and chakra use. I rolled my shoulders and tensed my muscles loosening my muscles. It hurt to move because of the injuries that were scattered across my body.

I heard the guy coming back so I forced my chakra into the chains turning them to ice and I shattered them. I quickly stood up despite my body's disapproval. The man looked shocked when he didn't see me and I used this time to get behind him and snap his neck.

I stretched before I began navigating through the dark base. While walking through I began to feel sick. I smelt the smells of decaying bodies, blood and vomit. I heard shouts, screams, moans and groans. And there were the test subjects of Orochimaru in cells identical to mine. I looked at them all with pity knowing I could do nothing for them at the strength I was at now. However I would inform the leaf of the location of this base as soon as possible.

I heard the footsteps of someone and quickly pressed my beaten body against a cold wall next to a cell door. The person left and I went to continue on but was stopped when a cold hand gripped my wrist. I quickly turned around only to see a woman who looked weak and on the brink of death looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Please save my daughter. I won't make it but she hasn't been permanently changed by any of the experiments yet and I want to keep it that way. Please take her with you." The woman begged.

I looked at the child who clung to the woman's leg and pain filled my chest because I saw myself in her. Being trapped like this. I looked into the kids eyes and I saw that they were dull however there was still a small sparkle of hope. I nodded and put my hand on the cell lock freezing it and opening the cell. The woman pushed the child to me and I picked her up.

"Her name is Ena meaning gift of god." The woman said weakly.

The woman leaned against a wall and I watched as the life drained from her eyes. I took off running with the child in my arms and I felt warm went drops hit my shoulder and I knew she was crying. I kept running and finally found the exit and ran out it. After getting a few meters away from the base I summoned Yuki.

"Milady." She said.

I jumped on her back and she began running to the leaf that was a few days away. I looked down at the child to see she was around 4 years old. She had light brown hair and sapphire blue eyes. I pulled out a cloth and wiped away the dirt on her face and I looked into her eyes and saw pain. I sat crossed legged on Yori and placed the child on my lap and leaned her against me.

"Sleep. I won't let anything happen to you. I will protect you with my life." I whispered to the child gently.

I watched her struggle to keep her eyes open as I stroked her hair but she soon fell asleep. A sigh escaped my mouth as Yuri continued at top speed back to the village.

Soon everything began to catch up to me. I had the life of a child in my hands. It was my job to look after her. And I wanted to do that. I wanted to give her the love I was never given at her age. I wanted her to live a happy life and I wanted to make that happen. I guess I'm going to be her mother figure from this point on and let's hope the hokage allows the kid to stay in the leaf.

As these thoughts filled my head my eyes began to feel heavy and I laid soon laid on Yuki holding Ena close to myself as I drifted into sleep.

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