TI back in order

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I followed my target as he took the back ally ways through the village. He made his way to a house and soon entered. I listened to what was happening inside.

"What are you doing here?" I woman asked.

"I wanted to see you and my son again." The man said.

"Get out of my house. You'll never see him again you horrid man. You betrayed us. If you wanna be a good father for once hand yourself over and tell them everything they need to know." The woman said crying.

I quickly ran into the house and grabbed the mans arm stopping him from slapping the woman and kneed him in the back making him collapsed to the ground. Still holding his arm I dislocated it making the guy groan in pain. I tied him up and sent a bird to someone from TI so they could lock him up. People soon came to take him away and I stayed in the home with the woman who looked around nervously.

"I'm going to have to ask you some questions." I told her and she nodded walking me into her living room and making tea.

"What Do you want to know?" She asked sitting next to me and looking down at her teacup.

"How are you related to that man?" I asked.

"He's my ex husband." She said.

"So you have a child with him?"

"Yes but I don't want anything to do with that horrid man and I won't let my son be involved with him either." She said in a strong tone.

"Ma'am i no you don't want to hear this but your son and yourself could be in serious danger for what you ex husband knows. It might be best if your son is no longer with you so he has no association with his father." I said cautiously.

"Never. He's my son and he's already lost his father he's not losing me to. You don't understand you're not a mother." The woman said tears filling her eyes.

"I'm not saying you have to do it. It was just a suggestion." I said simply.

She nodded and looked down at her tea sadly. I stood placing my tea on the coffee table and went to leave but stopped and turned to the woman first.

"I'm not implying you're a bad mother. I think you're a wonderful mother who cares dearly for her child." I said and left the house going back to TI.

I walked into TI and saw everyone working hard to get things back in order. I walked up to the front desk and got the progress report and nodded my head in approval. I put the file down and walked around helping and giving praise to the hard working ninja. After a few hours TI was finally back in order and I called a meeting and everyone stood in front of me with scared looks.

"Good work." I said and they all looked at me shock and I just gave a small smile. "Yes people did escaped today but we will make security tighter so it won't happen again. However you all did great work getting TI back in order and I'm impressed. I talk to Ibiki and try and make him go easy on the punishments." I said.

They all nodded. Some ninja left their shifts being over and others went back to work. I went back to work because Ena was staying at a friends place tonight so I didn't need to go home. I was going to miss the kid.

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