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I walked through TI and I was checking up on everything. I began walking up to Ibiki's office but was stopped by someone.

"Excuse me ma'am." A boy asked.

"Yes." I said .

"The man you brought in a little while ago has been fully cleared and can live in the village peacefully." He said.

"Thank you for telling me." I said.

I grabbed a pice of paper and gave it to the boy and told him to give it to Mitsou and he agreed. The pice of paper had my address on it and it said to go there. I walked into Ibiki's office to see he was buried under piles of paper work.

"Need help Ibiki?" I asked walking up to his desk.

He pushed a giant pile of paper towards me.

"I take that as a yes." I said sighing.

I sat down and began to do the paperwork. I did the paperwork for hours and I got multi paper cuts. After awhile Ibiki spoke.

"When I retire from the head of TI I want you to take my place." He said out of then blue.

When he said his I was drinking tea and I began chocking on it. After I stopped chocking I looked at Ibiki in disbelief.

"Why." That was all I could muster to say.

"You have learnt the ropes extremely fast. Even when you were doing the chunin exam you could easily see through my mind games and it kinda pissed me off. Also you get a lot of respect from everyone." Ibiki explained.

"One your mind games were childish and I'm surprised more people didn't notice them. Also the only reason I'm respected is because you taught me." I said.

"Sora they would not respect you as much as they do just because I taught you. I don't think you realise how many people look up to you. They look to you when they have trouble and they would rather come to you for advice than me." He said.

"You can't blame them for coming to me for advice your reputation is pretty scary and anyone who messes with you is either really brave or stupid." I said with a slight laugh.

"What I'm getting out is when you have been put in charge they have only had amazing thing to say about how you led them. And they would be happy if you ever did become the head of TI." Ibiki said.

"Whatever. Just don't retire on me anytime soon because I have other stuff to deal with." I said simply.

"Don't worry brat I don't plan on retiring anytime soon. Still got people to scar for life here." He said making me laugh.

I continued to do the paperwork until I had to leave so I could make dinner for Ena. As I walked into my home I saw Mitsou standing there awkwardly. I walked up to him and gave him a small smile.

"Looks like you're clear and not seen as a threat. Now it will take a bit of time to get a house ready for you to stay in so while that's being done you can stay here." I explained. 

"Thank you miss Sora. May I ask how to become an official leaf ninja?" He said.

"One just call me Sora or I'll beat you. Two if you wanna become an official leaf Ninja you have to go talk to the hokage. I'll come with you tomorrow if you want." I said.

He nodded and I went to making dinner while he continued to stand in the middle of the living room awkwardly. I smiled to myself deciding to let him stay awkward for a bit longer so I would be entertained.

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