Yamato and sai

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I walked with Shikamaru and Choji and then Naruto ran up to us. I smiled as Naruto was about to make a stupid comment. Then my face went serious and I grabbed two kunai. Shikamaru knocked Naruto to the ground and I attacked one of the lion creatures and when I destroyed it turned into some black liquid. I continued to fight lions then observed the person Naruto was fighting. However I didn't recognise the guy at all. Then he vanished in the same black liquid. Ino showed up but I was to busy looking at the black liquid on my kunai then I realised it was ink.

Shikamaru walked up to me and I showed him the ink and he looked at it confused. Then I realised what time it was and ran off biding the others a farewell. As I was walking I got the feeling someone was watching me. I looked around and saw an ANBU in the corner of my eye but it was no ANBU I recognised.

I decided to ignore it for now and headed to the graveyard to visit Shenshi's grave. After spending what felt like hours there an ANBU appeared next to me telling me to go to the hokage immediately so I did. When I got to her office I knocked and went in when told to do so. Upon entering I saw a man with black eyes and short brown hair.

"You called lady hokage." I said bowing my head.

"Yes you will be going on a mission with team Kakashi and the team leader will be this man Yamato and Sakura and Naruto. However there will be a new face on the team." The hokage said.

"I understand lady hokage." I said and then turned to Yamato. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Sora Hisha." I said with a smile.

He nodded and we both headed to the meeting place. As we got there the new guy was smiling while Naruto was glaring. My eyes slightly narrowed noticing he was the guy from earlier today when he attacked. However I decided right then a there to give he a chance to redeem himself. I listened as he pissed everyone off and then he looked at me and smiled and I smiled back. After everyone chilled a bit we had to introduce our selfs. And I was last.

"Sora Hisha." I said simply.

We finished and were told to go pack so I went home. I began to pack a bag with spare clothes, books, weapons, some photos and my sketch pad. I looked into the mirror. I threw my hair up into a high ponytail and tightened my leaf band around my left forearm. I then took the necklace that was around my neck and clutched it in fear. I'm going somewhere on a mission that is linked to Orochimaru.

Despite how much I despise Orochimaru I would never go looking for him just to kill him. I won't let my life be consumed by hatred and revenge I know the people I love would never want that for me. However I know why people do live for revenge such a Sasuke. He holds so much pain and doesn't share it with anyone and it just keeps building up and all he wants is for the pain to leave. However he hasn't chosen the best way to go about that. But who am I to judge I mean if I had the chance to kill Orochimaru I would take it without a second thought.

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