Lord Danzo

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I sat in TI helping Ibiki get things back in order. He didn't let me do too much because I was still healing. Suddenly someone ran in out of breath.

"I heard that you are being considered to become hokage miss Sora." He said.

I froze in my spot. There was no way I could become Hokage. I looked at the boy and he gulped.

"But." I said.

"Lord Danzo is Hokage." He said.

I froze in my place again. He soon left and I stood there thinking.

"Danzo is the Hokage." I mumbled.

I sighed and went back to work. I went to pick up a box but Ibiki took it from and I glared up at him.

"You shouldn't be out of the hospital let alone working be glad I'm letting you help a little, brat." He said.

I glared at him however my attention was drawn to the doorway when Shikaku and Shikamaru walked in. Just by looking at Shikamaru's face I could tell something was up.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Lord Danzo has ordered Sasuke's death. Anyone that sees him is to kill him if they have the chance. His a criminal." Shikamaru announced.

"How did team seven take the news?" I asked.

"Naruto isn't in the village he's left probably to go to the five kage summit to confront the Raikage to ask for forgiveness on Sasuke's behalf." Shikamaru said.

I sighed and looked down. They were waiting for my reaction. They already got Shikamaru's and he's obviously agreed to it. And me. I know I made a deal with Sasuke but he's going too far. My first clenched. I made a promise to Shenshi, Sarutobi sensei and myself to protect this leaf with my life. Sasuke is putting the leaf in danger. Me being a part of the leafI had to protect Danzo now because he is the Hokage and is what will keep the leaf stable so him dying is also a danger to the leaf. I think he might be going after Danzo but I can't be sure. How could Sasuke go this far for revenge?

"If I must I will take Sasuke out. however, I suggest you send word to Lord Danzo because Sasuke may be after him." I said.

"and how do you know that." Ibiki asked.

"after the fight with Pain I nearly died but the medical ninja with Sasuke healed me meaning I had contact with him. he told me a thing or two I was also too weak to fight him. I said I wouldn't get involved unless he put the leaf in danger but now he is, meaning I will take action." I said firmly.

"and why didn't you say anything earlier?" Ibiki asked.

"well sorry I was preoccupied with the leafs destruction and protecting your ass and it slipped my mind." I snapped back at him.

We both got, into a glaring match.

"what a drag." Both Shikaku and Shikamaru said simultaneously.

My eyes narrowed and I looked directly at Shikaku.

"I heard I was being considered to become Hokage. how did that happen?" I asked.

"I recommended you after Kakashi." He said simply.

"I can not become Hokage." I growled.

"says the student of the Third Hokage and the girl who put a barrier around the leaf enabling everyone to get to safety." Shikamaru said lazily.

my eyes snapped to Shikamaru and I glared at him. a small smile played on his face. he turned around and ran out of the room while I chased after him through the base. he is so dead.

"this is such a drag troublesome woman." He said.

"get your cute ass back here so I can beat you up." I yelled to him.

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