the kid will get killed

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(i'm starting to feel a bit better so I decided to update today. I hope you like it and I'm sorry that I'm taking so long t update. I hope you all have lovely lives)  

~~~~Sora's pov~~~~

I sat in the hospital room staring into nothing but my eyes narrowed hearing the guards speaking.

"Did you hear that kid Ena went out of the village to find the person who did this to Sora." One of the guards said.

My eyes narrowed. That kid is going to get herself kill. I shouldn't care I'm the slightest but I do. My eyes narrowed as a sigh escaped my mouth. Looks I'm going to have to save the kid. Now just how do I get out of this room.

I brought my hands together and created an ice clone and did the substitution jutsu. I stood outside the hospital in a tree and I made sure everyone watching me thought I was still there. I have a small nod knowing that I successfully escaped.

I leapt out of the tree and made my way out of the village without anyone noticing. I kneeled on the ground and placed my hand on the ground. I closed my eyes trying to find Ena's chakra. After a minute I pinpointed it. That kid has to work on hiding her chakra I'm not a sensory ninja and I could find her in such a small amount of time.

I leapt up and went towards her chakra that was five minutes away. When I got there my eyes narrowed. How did I know this kid was going to get into trouble. Five large men surrounded her with nasty gleams in their eyes. They began stalking towards her and a small whimper escaped her mouth.

"I suggest you five back off or I'll kill you." I spoke on a cold time.

They looked up and me and just smirked.

"Looks like we have two play things now boys." One man said.

They all started laughing passions me off. I held out my hand and formed an ice kunai considering I had no weapons on me. Within a second I was behind that man that made the comment and he fell limply to the ground after I stabbed him in the neck. The other four looked at me shocked and raised their fists. I clicked my tongue in annoyance. Did they really think they could stand up to me?

I jumped off the ground and wishing a second they were all on the ground dead. I turned and began walking back to the leaf but stopped when Ena spoke.

"You came and saved me. Thank you." She mumbled.

"You need to get back to the leaf to move it." I spoke fully.

She nodded and walked I front of me as we walked back to the leaf. When I walked in the guards stood up. One went to Ena and the other tied me up and escorted me back to my hospital room. After I got back the security was doubled. I rolled my eyes and the stupidity. If I really want to escape I wouldn't have come back I would kill the guards and ANBU watching me so there was no point in wasting Ninja to watch me. I mean look how easily I escaped and I could easily do it again not that I wanted to.

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