The jorney home

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I was waking through a snowy area with my sensei. We were currently on our way back to the leaf village. I'm so excited I get to see my friends again.

I wish I could have started heading home sooner so I could have help with the Gaara thing. It's a pain in my ass. I wanted to help with that more then anything but no my stupid sensei had to finish my training. I wounded how everyone is doing. I wonder how they've all changed.

As we were walking I sensed someone following. I quickly glanced at my sensei and he gave me a small nod. I nodded back and quickly did multiple hand sighs and made an ice clone of myself and quickly switched places with it. I jumped into the trees while my clone walked in the open.

I was following my clone and sensei and I saw someone who I recognised. That boy who stopped me from joining the fight with Orochimaru. What is he doing following us? Is he spying on us for Orochimaru? I guess I should keep following him and see what he's up to.

All of the sudden he turned around and attacked me. After all the training I had I automatically pulled out my blades and blocked his attack. When I looked into his eyes I saw so much rage I didn't know how he was functioning properly. How could one person hold that much rage.

Using his chain and sickle he forced me back and I went flying and hit my clone shattering it. My sensei helped me up.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yea I'm-" I was cut off by a chain wrapping around my ankle. "MOTHER FUCKER!" I yelled.

"Sora watch you language!" My sensei snapped.

"That's what you worried about right now." I snapped back at him.

I had to stop arguing with my sensei because and sickle was about to go through my chest, you know the usual. My blade in hand I blocked his sickle. I grabbed the chain around my ankle and got it off. Still holding the chain I flipped over the boy and rapped the chain around his body and kicked him to the ground next to Tatsuo sensei. I jumped down next to them and the boy rolled over in his back and sensei eyes widened.

"...son?" He said shocked.

My eyes widened and the boy somehow got out of the chai and ran forcing me back in the process. I was falling but caught by Tatsuo sensei. I stood up and turned to him to see a shocked and traumatised looked on his face. I place my hand on his shoulder and he just shock his head.

"Tatsuo sensei what's wrong?" I said carefully considering I could tell how fragile the situation was.

"That can't be my son, it just can't be. He's dead." He whispered.

I saw tears in eyes and I turned to looked in the direction the boy left. Does he really think that's his son, but he told me his son was murdered when his wife and daughter were murdered. He said they were killed by Orochimaru. That's why he moved to the snow from the leaf.

But I did see him with Orochimaru that day, maybe it is sensei's son maybe Orochimaru kept him alive like when he kept me alive after killing my family. I wouldn't put it past that fucking snake. I swear if my theory is right I will put that snake through so much more pain then I was planning.

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