Tracking the akatsuki

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I sat on the roof watching the clouds but my eyes narrowed when I saw the fastest message bird from the sand soaring through the sky. I hope nothing is wrong but knowing life something probably is. I jumped off my roof and walked to the hospital and went to visit Aisura. He was still unconscious.i spent the whole morning in the hospital until an ANBU entered. I faced them.

"Lady hokage needs to talk to you immediately." He said.

I stood and went to the hokages office. When I entered the hokage looked at me with a serious expression.

"Gaara the kazekage had been kidnapped by the akatsuki. I want you to track them while team 7 goes to the sand to help there first." The hokage explained.

"Very well lady hokage. But may I ask what will happen with the chunin exam?" I asked.

"I will find someone to take your place. Now you will leave as soon as possible." She said.

I nodded and left the office and went home. I packed a bag and walked out of my house. When I walked out my house I saw my sensei.

"Looks like I'm coming with you." He said.

I nodded and we left the village together to find the akatsuki. And I was completely nervous. I knew if I got into a fight with two or more akatsuki members I would die. I don't know what would happen if I got into a fight with one.

"What's got you so nervous." My sensei asked.

"Nothing." I said simply.

He just looked down at me unconvinced. I looked up and met his gaze and a sigh escaped my mouth.

"So what's got You  so worried?" he asked again.

"Oh I dot know. Maybe the fact that I am currently tracking down a extremely strong group of S ranked criminals!" I snapped.

Tatsuo sensei stopped abruptly and I looked at him. He kneeled down in front of me and had a serious look in his face. Then he pulled me into a hug. I relaxed and curled up in his arms feeling safe there. He was like a father, like what I expect a father to be like.

"I promise I won't let your die. I will put my life on the line to protect you. I see you as my daughter." He said squeezing me tighter.

I gave a small smile and snuggled into him more.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

He let go of me and we went on our way to find the akatsuki. It would take at least 3 days to track and get to their location. We had a long journey ahead of us. Let's just hope we can both pull through this situation because I don't wanna leave the people I care about. I wanna make the old man proud. I want to carry Shenshi's will of fire with pride. I want to protect the leaf. I don't just want to do all of that I will.

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